Ch 16: One sided love

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I opened the small box of cookies just to check if they are still in tact or if they are in crumbs. Luckily, they were still in tact and very tempting to eat at first sight. The last two boxes I made were unsuccessful, so its a miracle that I happen to get this one done good.

"I really think you shouldn't be doing this, Vanessa," Kang Eunbin told me. "The boy should be the one who will make these efforts for you."

"Ehh," I whined, pouting my lips at her as I hugged the box to my chest. "Its just a small act of affection, just so he'd know how much I like him."

She sighed as we reached Kim Junkyu's locker. She said, "What a messy locker he has."

"Oh, shush," I laughed softly and placed the box of cookies inside.

I then glanced to my left and noticed that Junkyu and his other friends are starting to walk up here. So I quickly pushed Eunbin and we hid behind the end of the locker to see Junkyu's reaction.

The boy I admire from a far opened his locker and my heart beated rapidly in my chest as every millisecond passed. A smile started curving up to my lips too.

But it faded when the box suddenly fell on the floor. It opened and the cookies fell on the floor, breaking into pieces and crumbs.

Along with it, I could feel my heart crumbling softly in my chest because my hard work has gone to waste.

"Oh no, what a mess!" Junkyu exclaimed, then sighed. "Who even put cookies in my locker?"

The tone of his voice sounded irritated and I am not going to lie, it hurt me. The cookies were supposed to make him happy, not angry.

I started walking away with Eunbin patting my shoulder and giving me a back hug. "Its okay."

"Yeah... I guess so." I sighed and closed my eyes, forcing a positive smile. "I'll just make another one, then I'll put it on his desk, not in his locker anymore so he won't get mad again."

A hand waved in front of me with Geonwoo giving me a goofy smile. "Are you still here with us?"

"Y-yeah, sorry for dazing out." I chuckled nervously.

Geonwoo then continued saying what he was saying earlier and I pretended to listen by nodding my head several times. But I am actually thinking about the lunch box that I am about to give Kim Junkyu later.

The horrible memories of the fails I have experienced flashes in my head whenever I want to try them again. They always say to keep trying so I always do.

Nothing's happening... Junkyu still hasn't shown any interest in me.

But I won't give up.

I have liked---loved him for forever. I won't give up that easily.

I wonder what all the positive and negative things could happen later. But what I really hope is that Junkyu will eat what I cooked. And I hope he would like it.

I told Geonwoo and the others that I am going back to work and they gave me disappointed groans. I don't really want to hear gossips, they are not my interest.


As I went back to my cubicle, I enthusiastically went back to work, forcing positive thoughts in my head. I was doing good until I heard the elevator door open.

I craned my head to peek and my eyes widened seeing that its Junkyu. A smile automatically crept up my lips. I want to take this opportunity to put the lunch box in his office while he is still here.

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