Ch 18: Pretend husband

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I heard a soft yet manly voice say into my ear. I squirmed in my bed and stretched my limbs as consciousness stirred me awake.

"Good morning, sweetheart," the velvet voice said and I opened my eyes with a smile, being greeted by none other than Park Jihoon.

I don't know why this room has never been lit up like this before. But now that he is here, sitting right next to me with that infamous smile of his, everything seems to be bright. And it felt right.

"Good morning..." I greeted him back with my hoarse morning voice, staring at his ever so handsome face; his plump lips, his neat eyebrows, his hooded eyes, his sharp jawline, and the mole under his eye.

He's so attractive.

Everything feels so happy and comfortable until I realized that I have morning breath and messy hair. In embarrassment, I quickly pulled the comforter up to my head and hid my horrible puffy face.

He chuckled and I could feel him tugging onto the sheets. "Why?"

"Jihoon, leave me alone," I spatted out while chuckling.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?" He asked in a different tone, making me cross my eyebrows and pull the comforter down to my chest.

"What?" Just yesterday we were talking casually to each other---no formalities, no boundaries, just talking and having fun.

A playful smirk crept up to his face as his hands found their way to my sides, then he started tickling me. I shrieked and laughed in the process of squirming and writing underneath him.

"Jihoon!" I yelled his name while almost dying from laughter but he wouldn't stop.

"What?" He asked innocently, still tickling me continuously with a grin on his face. Is he enjoying this?

Tears formed in the corners of my eyes in too much laughter. But I managed to talk in between short breaths. "I can't breathe! Stop!"

"Okay." He chuckled softly and pulled his hands away from me, and I am left here staring blankly at the wall, still trying to recover from the intense feeling. "I never knew you were ticklish."

Our laughter soon died and we made eye to eye contact. Damn, Junkyu was not lying when he said that Jihoon is playful. I was wrong to judge him before. There must be a reason why he was acting tough all the time and why he is hiding this bright side of his.

"You need to get up now," Jihoon told me as he stood up from the bed. "I made you breakfast."

I sat up and was about to ask him if he knows how to cook, then I remembered the bacon and eggs he made me before. Its amazing how a man like him knows how to cook. Now I know why a lot of girls are falling for him.

Park Jihoon is the whole package.

"I haven't went grocery shopping yet and I only have a few ingredients in my kitchen. How did you manage to make something out of those?" I asked him and rubbed my eyes while getting out of bed.

"I'm a master chef, sweetheart," he boasted with a grin on his face and leaned his face towards me. "Does that turn you on more?"

I rolled my eyes and gently pushed his face away while standing up and shaking my head. "Don't get too over your head, mister Park. A woman can cook better than a man, we are experts at that."

"Aren't you gonna thank me for making breakfast?" He took his hands up, and raised both his eyebrows.

"Thank you, for all of the kind acts you have done." I bowed my head and said those words in a dramatic tone, then I glanced at him with a smirk.

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