Ch 37: I'll never leave

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I published the introduction of my horror fic for treasure titled MIMIC. You can check it out.



I woke up feeling sore and lifeless, as if my soul had just been squeezed out of my body. All I could hear is the echoes of liquid dripping onto the stoned floor. I opened my eyes slowly and made out my dark surroundings. Its like I'm in a cave.

Where's Jihoon?

Why am I here?

Only then did I realize that I am tied up with my feet lifting off the ground and my hands behind my back. The metallic taste of blood lingered in the corners of my lips. I could taste it. Why was I bleeding?

"Burn little doll!" I heard a crazy man say from the other end of the cave. Its the same old voice of the man who burned my house down.

His voice sent shivers down my spine, and when he laughed I feel like I would faint. A distorted figure of a person---or not---emerged from the darkness with its neck cracked and its eyes staring at me like how predators stare at their prey. There's this sinister smile plastered on its face with sharp crooked teeth sticking out of its gums. It took a step towards me and I flinched, scared.

"Come here, little doll," the morphed figure said, thick saliva dripping from his mouth. It giggled. "Little doll."

"Stay away!" I yelled, bluffing bravery.

"Burn... burn... burn..." it chanted while taking slow taunting steps towards me. Then suddenly his body has been engulfed with flames and I could hear it crackling from over here, yet it doesn't seem to be disturbed.

The figure frowned and it was even more horrifying when it became silent. After seconds, it shrieked while running towards me.

Panting, I squirmed and wriggled, tried my best to get the fuck out of these tight ropes tied around me. And when I thought that the burning monster is about to get me it suddenly disappeared.

I wandered my eyes everywhere, scanning the area if its still here. Then I felt a hand grabbing onto my foot. I screamed and looked down then I saw a small fetus-like shape. It is curled up and breathing but it looks like its about to die. It took the form of a familiar man and soon enough I am seeing the CIO's dead body just below my feet.

And when I thought things wouldn't get any worse, I felt myself being harshly turned around. I gasped when I saw Arthur Jung's face.

"Zizi," he called in a sad voice. "Help me, Zizi."

I stared at it for a while, unsure if its really my biological father. I debated with myself whether I should talk or not. But before I even could, the figure changed. It started morphing into a different person. Arthur Jung's limbs started falling apart, and so did his nose, his eyeballs, and his ears. Then the creature turned into the girl I hated most---the girl I dreaded to see.

Doyeon smiled at me, in a fake manner. I wasn't even surprised at this point. But when she started opening her mouth, it gradually grew large and several small sharp teeth emerged from every corner of her mouth. It looked as if she is going to swallow me whole.

I sat up, breathing heavily while pulling the covers up to my chest. I'm in Jihoon's room---our room, thank God. It was just a nightmare. I turned my head and expected to see Jihoon still asleep but no one is beside me, only the sheets and the pillows. Its already morning... so I have nothing to be afraid of.

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