Ch 40: He found a way out

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"Who's that?" Jihoon asked me.

Before I could even hide my phone back in my pocket, Jihoon came beside me and peeked. He slowly took my phone and opened the message box.

"You have another message from this person yesterday," Jihoon muttered. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What's that?" Yoshinori asked and peeked too.

"I don't want to tell you because you already have a lot on your mind," I reasoned. "I don't want this to be your problem too. Besides... maybe its just a wrong sent message."

"Hey, you know how to do some coding and techy things, right?" Jihoon asked Yoshinori. "Those zeros and ones and all that math stuff?"

Yoshinori nodded. "Yeah, a bit. Why?"

"Can you track the location of this number?" Jihoon then gave the phone to Yoshinori.

Yoshinori took it and gave him a concerned look. "I don't know Jihoon, I only know a bit about this stuff. I'm not sure if I can---"

"Please?" Jihoon pleaded. "Think of it as a way to repay me for letting you stay here."

Yoshinori sighed. "Okay, fine. Let me just get my PC."

Yoshi ran down the stairs then me and Jihoon followed him. I started growing anxious as we sat by the coffee table, not to mention that there's tension building in the atmosphere, making me more tense.

I fiddled with my fingers while waiting for Yoshinori to say that he found the location of the user. All we could hear are the sounds of typing. Even our deep breaths and the sounds of crickets started being audible because of the silence in this mansion.

"I found it," Yoshinori announced.

I scooted closer to him and peeked at the screen. Wait a second...

"That's..." I trailed, not wanting to say it.

"Are you sure its coming from Vanessa's house?" Jihoon asked him.

"No," I denied. "It can't be from her house, Vanessa wouldn't---she wouldn't text me disturbing messages."

The two of them only stared at me hopelessly, sadly, as if I am just trying to blind myself from the truth, as if I'm trying to make my own truth. I don't want to believe this. Because those messages are unnerving, and it feels as though the sender is mad at me. I can feel his or her rage through the texts.

It can't be Vanessa. Why would she be mad at me? Has she found out that I kissed her crush months ago? Me and Junkyu never told her that before, and I know that makes me a bad friend. I should've just confessed my sin to her. Although I don't know if that is the reason for her to do this.

But I trust her. I know her. She would never do something like this. I want to dig in deeper to find any proof that Vanessa isn't the one who sent the messages but I am starting to believe that it is her. The proof is right in front of me.

Although I doubt her doing this, another proof is what she did before. She manipulated everything just to get what she wants. I forgave her after that since Jihoon said that his love for me is genuine, and I feel, and know that as well, and since she only wants Junkyu to notice her. But if she ever breaks my trust again, like now... I don't know if I'll ever trust her again.

I heard Jihoon and Yoshinori mumbling a few things about giving the two of us some time alone. Yoshinori then fixed his laptop before going up to the direction of the guest room. And here I am, staring into nothing because I still can't accept what I just knew.

"I think you need some rest, my love," Jihoon said as he helped me stand up and led me to our room.

As I laid down beside Jihoon, he had his arm around my waist with his thumb rubbing circles in my back to comfort me. We stayed in that position for a while in silence and I was getting kind of sleepy, but I suddenly wondered why Jihoon is still awake. He looks like he's going to leave later when I fall asleep. So I called his attention.

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