Ch 19: The waves of his love

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Jihoon told me that its a surprise. So all throughout the drive, I kept quiet, not bothering to ask anymore questions as to I might annoy him.

I stared at his side view and admired how he looks so manly and hot in that elbow lengthed polo while driving one of his sports cars. I tried my best to hide the smile that's starting to etch upon my lips because of the excitement building up in me. But I can't contain it anymore.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket so I took it out and saw that I recieved yet another message from Junkyu. He has been messaging me a lot quite lately and it bothers me. I hope that he already got the notion that I don't like him but he doesn't seem to get it. Is he that naive?

"Who's that?" Jihoon asked without sparing me a glance, his eyes too focused on the road.

"Oh, no---it was just a notification from a game I've been playing," I lied. I then dismissed the message and tucked the phone back in my pocket.

I feel bad for lying to him, but if I don't then it might cause minor issues between him, me, and Junkyu, which is something I don't want.

He didn't talk anymore so I remained silent as well. I patiently waited for us to reach our destination. When we did arrive at the place, I let my eyes wander everywhere my sight could reach. But it wasn't enough so when Jihoon parked the car, I quickly took off my seatbelt and jumped out of the passenger's seat.

The yells and loud chattering of laboring men filled the sunny pier. Along with that were also the sounds of clattering metals and chains, with the caws of seagulls and the splashing sounds that the sea made. The smell of the air is so fresh and the breeze is passing through my thin dress, making me feel carefree and relaxed.

"You're smiling," I heard Jihoon said from behind me. I haven't really noticed that I am until he pointed it out.

I turned to face him and saw him staring at me with a warm smile spread across his face while he rested his back on his car.

"You're dazzling when you smile," he commented.

I snickered and shook my head, finding his compliment insincere, even though it was.

"How about when I'm mad?" I asked.

"Terrifying," he answered and laughed. "Horrifying. You look like satan's daughter."

"That's an overstatement." I frowned at him.

He then walked up to me and offered me to hold onto his arm, and so I did. We stayed like that as he led me further from his car.

From a far, I could see different kinds of boats. There were small ones but  most were yachts that ranged from ordinary to luxury. He is leading me there so I figured that this is his surprise; a trip in a yacht.

A certain yacht is docked close to us. It is bounded with dozens of ropes and those were the only ones keeping it from sailing into the sea. Its the only one with boarding stairs set on it, and it is quite bigger than the others beside it.

A well-built man seemingly in his 50s climbed down the yacht and offered warm smiles to us, but mostly to Jihoon.

"Mister Park!" The man exclaimed then let out a cheerful laugh as he took off his sailor cap and opened his arms wide to Jihoon.

"Joe," Jihoon greeted him back with a small smile. "Are you really sure its okay? I heard that your daughter is still in the hospital."

I exchanged glances between Joe and Jihoon since the topic suddenly made me uncomfortable.

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