Ch 31: Hallucinations

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I finally got my Prius back and it was faster than ever. That did made me a lot more happy but the fact that Go Doyeon resigned left me quite unsettled. She wouldn't just resign after working here for four years. Doyeon has been the talk of the building for maybe a week. Even Geonwoo couldn't stop talking about her.

"Are you sure you can carry all that?" Jihoon asked me with crossed brows, pointing his pen towards all the documents I am carrying.

"Yep, they're as light as feathers," I lied and then headed out of Jihoon's office.

Because if I don't take all of these papers with me and leave behind a bunch, I will grow tired going from place to place back and forth. As I was hurrying over to the elevator, I tripped on my own, for the first time in my life. All the documents flew out of my hands and scattered everywhere on the floor.

"Shit," I cursed and started picking up the papers. "This is so fucking stupid."

"Don't do that all by yourself," I heard Vanessa's voice say and then I looked up to see the kind smile on her face. She started picking up the ones I couldn't reach and once we have collected them all, we stood up.

"Why don't I help you with these?" She flashed me a grin. "Since you're taking this to my office and to Junkyu's."

"Sure," I replied. "What brings you up here?"

"I was about to get these from Jihoon," Nessa said, waving a few papers in the air.

"Oh, good then." I sighed in relief.

We went to the elevator then Vanessa said, "have you seen Hyunsuk lately?"

"Why do you ask?" I crossed my brows.

"I don't know. I'm just a little worried because I haven't seen him for a week," she answered, a concerned expression plastered on her face. "Yoshi is not showing up in the building or in the canteen either."

"Maybe they went home, you know. To their families," I guessed.

"Maybe," she repeated.

And so me and Vanessa went to their offices, including the other officers. I actually prefer being Chief Marketing Officer than being secretary. I prefer being isolated in my office than walking around the building with papers in my hands. But I can't complain. This is my new position and I should be grateful for it. Besides, I get to see Jihoon more often.

"Hey Junkyu," Vanessa greeted him as we walked inside his office.

"Hey, Vanessa," Junkyu greeted her back with a smile. Then his eyes shifted to me. And without hesitance, he greeted me. "Hey Zaine, miss secretary."

"Hey." I gave him a small smile. I examined his face and the bruises on his face are long gone. Of course, a month has already passed. I'm glad that the drama between the four of us is done.

"Oh no," Junkyu said in a depressed tone. "Why---why do I have to do this again?"

"Uh, because Jihoon says so?" I crossed my arms.

"But this---this is something I've done and repeated for a hundred times! I can't do this again!" Junkyu complained, flailing his arms in the air as if it is such a big problem.

"Its work, Junkyu, just do it. I think that Jihoon is giving you that task again for a reason," I calmly stated.

Junkyu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine."

As me and Vanessa went out of his office she stopped and gave Junkyu a smile. "Bye Junkyu."

Junkyu waved his hand and smiled too. "Bye Vanessa."

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