Ch 41: A bad friend

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As I walked out of the elevator, I observed my surroundings. The employees have decorated the building nicely. The windows and walls are decorated with garlands, with golden stars sticking onto them. By the center of the room stood a big Christmas tree, with gifts, big and small, that are wrapped in green and red gift wraps. On the tree hangs the ornaments of different color and sizes.

There were also socks and other decorations plastered on the walls. There were even mistletoes by some doorways. There were several wreaths on the glass doors too and strings of lights were placed in corners of the building. You can definitely feel the atmosphere of Christmas here and by the people in this room.

Everyone in the building has smiles on their faces as they linked arms with their friends and lovers. I'm a little happy that everyone is having a good time, but they shouldn't forget that they are still in the work hours. In a week there will be no work... I guess I'm spending all week with Jihoon. I wonder where we'll go.

Its amazing how fast time flies by. Its already winter and the year is about to end. I almost can't believe how quick it has been. I guess I was too busy with everything happening in my life to pay attention to my surroundings more.

I tucked my hands into the pocket of my beige coat when I walked out of the building. Its so cold outside. I sighed as I watched the snow fall down deliacately. Is there any possible way that problems can be like that too? It pulls you down, but slowly, delicately, that you won't even notice it when you hit the ground. I wish life is just that easy.

Shaking my head off the thought, I started walking towards the store in front of our building. Starbucks. I still wonder why Yoshinori doesn't work here anymore. But when I got inside, the thought escaped my head since I got intoxicated by the alluring and addictive scent of coffee wafting in the air. Why did I even hate Starbucks before?

After I placed my order, I was about to look for an empty table but my eyes caught sight of a two-seater with Vanessa sitting in it, smiling while texting someone on her phone. She looks so innocent and bright as she always is. I really doubt her being the one who texted me those creepy messages. Its... just not her to do those type of things.

She lifted her eyes up and caught me staring at her but it was too late when I looked away.

"Zaine!" She called my name, and I could see her waving her hand in my peripheral vision.

She doesn't deserve my time and attention if she really is the creepy sender, so I walked furthur from her and went to the table where a lonely young man is sitting. Wow, his outfits really fits Christmas. He somehow gives a weird yet positive energy in the atmosphere, and I guess it drew me in.

"Excuse me, mister?" I asked for his name.

He looked at me and laughed. "Ah, no need to call me mister, noona. I'm Kim Doyoung."

He recognized me as his noona that quick? Wow, do I look old already?

"Oh." I smiled at him. "Well, Kim Doyoung, can I sit here while I wait for my coffee?"

"Sure," he said so I sat down as I thanked him.

He then gave me a cute smile. "You can have coffee with me too if you want."

He winked at me, still with that toothy smile. Are all the kids these days this flirty? Even to people older than them?

"Sorry, I'm currently dating someone," I said and chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh that's fine, forgive me if I'm a little flirty with you, noona," he apologized. A little? I think that's an understatement.

I glanced at Vanessa and saw the confused expression on her face. She must he expecting me to sit down with her. Soon enough, the lady on the counter called my name and I was finally able to go out of the cafe.

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