Ch 5: Dirty dancing

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I tugged on the hem of Vanessa's shoulder-off cocktail dress then she turned to me with that bright smile of hers.

"I actually had a change of mind," I said, hearing the loud music from inside the bar. I am not that kind of person who likes a lot of people and I feel like I would regret this.

She smirked and clicked her tongue, then eyed me up and down. "You're all dressed up and I swear you look dazzling. Don't worry, a lot of people will come up to you."

I don't drink a lot, but whenever I do, I drink at home or at Vanessa's apartment. Drinking at a bar is a first for me.

I looked at my clothes and smiled a little seeing my red fitted dress that only lengthed to the middle of my thighs. It is also sleeveless and backless. I'm used to wearing short skirts but wearing something backless and sleeveless is also a first for me.

"See?" Vanessa said, chuckling.

"Don't you think its too... exposed?" Junkyu asked, scratching the back of his head. This dude is funny. We're not living in the 80s.

"Aish, let's just go inside." Vanessa said and pushed Junkyu inside the bar. Go Doyeon followed quickly yet Geonwoo waited for me.

"Come on, miss Jung." He smiled at me.

We went inside and loud music boomed against my ears. Those were not the only sounds. There are also glasses clinking, flirty shrieks and giggles, and a lot of chattering. Everything is so dimly lit, and I grew uncomfortable seeing a few couples---or strangers---making out on every corner.

I frowned and scrunched my face in disgust. They are kissing as if there is no tomorrow.

"Oh, my friends are here." Junkyu suddenly said. "Forgot to tell you guys."

"Good! The more the merrier!" Vanessa laughed.

Does this mean that Hyunsuk, Yoshinori and... ugh, Park Jihoon will be here?

Seeing the two will be great but I hope I don't bump into Jihoon. After what he did earlier I really want to beat the shit out of him. He's so thick faced going to the bar after leaving us alone with an angry client.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks." Doyeon informed.

"I'm coming with you." I walked to her.

"We'll be dancing here for a while," Vanessa mused, clutching onto Junkyu's arm with that bright smile of hers.

"Can I go get a drink first?" Junkyu asked nervously and she pouted. He looks really uncomfortable with Vanessa and it looks so funny.

"You're gonna miss out dude, come on!" Geonwoo exclaimed, pulling Junkyu with his other arm.

Me and Doyeon walked over to the barista who is doing some bottle tricks with a few other people sitting on the counter who are entertained by what he is doing.

"Hey, I'm sorry for letting my emotions get the best of me," Doyeon suddenly apologized in her soft child-like voice.

"Its alright, miss Go." I said as we sat on top of the high chairs.

"Please, just call me by my name." She smiled at me and giggled.

I nodded and gave back a small smile. Why did she suddenly want to take away the formality? Does she wants to be friends now? I don't know what to feel or what to say, so I'll just keep quiet.

"Ohh~ we got two pretty ladies here," the thin bartender said, giving us a goofy smile and a drunken look. "What can I get you two, beautifuls?"

He looks older than us, maybe he is at his late 20's? His tan skin and small eyes look really awkward having his hairstyle in a sidecut. He also has two black piercings which makes me feel unsafe with his presence.

Doyeon giggled before placing money on the counter. "A classic dry martini for me please."

"Prefer it stirred, or shaken?" He asked.

"Stirred of course." Doyeon whispered in a flirty manner.

The bartender nodded and turned to me, his smile growing wider as he eyed me up and down. That was so uncomfortable.

"And for the other beautiful lady?" He asked.

"One lime tequila shot," I said plainly, taking the money out of my purse and placing it on the counter.

He gasped the moment he saw the money which surprised me. He pushed the bills towards me before clicking his tongue.

"Just your presence here is enough, no need to pay it." The bartender winked at me and bit his lip. "I'm more than happy to serve such a beautiful, ravishing young woman like you."

"Okay." I chuckled awkwardly as I leaned my back against my chair. The way he stares at me feels like he is undressing me with his eyes. I suddenly regret wearing this dress.

He grinned before going away to make our orders. I sighed in relief then I heard Doyeon laughing beside me.

"Why?" I asked.

"You should have seen your face." She laughed, holding her stomach. "He was only joking with you. You're too wary, miss CMO."

I bit my bottom lip and glanced around, seeing few other people looking at me while giggling. I rolled my eyes and loosened my tied hair to hide my face. That was so embarrassing.

A few minutes later, the bartender came back but with only one glass in his hand. He gave it to Doyeon and winked at her. And here, silly Go Doyeon giggled at that simple wink from the stick-insect-looking bartender. So disgusting. Even if its just a joke, I can't bear seeing it.

I glanced at his name tag and saw his name. Liu Ruwei.

He does look asian but I am not quite sure with his nationality. I don't want to bother asking anyway.

Ruwei went away again and surprisingly, Doyeon is done with her drink. Was she able to enjoy it with just one gulp?

"I'll be dancing now, join us the moment you finish your drink, alright?" She patted my shoulder and then walked away from me.

"Wait, Doyeon." I tried calling out to her but I already lost sight of her as she dived into the thick crowd.

"Hey there, beauty." I heard Ruwei's voice so I turned and saw him leaning towards me, my order already sitting on the counter.

I took the glass in my hands and glared at him. "Don't call me that. I have a name."

"May I know it?" He smiled cheekily.

"Oh my God," I whispered as I rolled my eyes. I took a small sip from my tequila and avoided his gaze.

"Aww, you're so cranky. Did your boyfie broke up with you?" He asked, and I can still see him grinning from my peripheral vision.

I glared at him once more. "I don't have a boyfie."

He stood properly and his lips formed an o-shape, then he chuckled. "Brilliant then."

I took another sip from the shot and decided to finish it all in one gulp, since that is its purpose. I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to go and find my co-workers. This Ruwei looks like a pervert.

Wait... why am I feeling weird?

I roughly placed the glass back on the counter and saw that Ruwei is gone. Where could that guy be? Did he put something in my drink?

I suddenly felt hands on both my shoulders. I know I should slap those hands away but why am I liking it? Oh gosh, I am liking that touch.

I looked up and saw Ruwei grinning at me. "Wanna dance with me?"

I don't know why but I smiled at him and I stood up, letting his other hand roam around my back while we walked to where the crowd is.

I let my body take control of myself and I danced to the beat, moving my hips and waving my arms. I feel Ruwei's hands on my waists and his hot breath on my neck and I am liking it so much.

I feel horny right now. And I want to dance.

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