Ch 6: Wild when drugged

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"You really sure you don't want to come with us?" Hyunsuk asked me with a blonde girl clinging onto him and giggling.

"How many times do I have to repeat it to you?" I barked at him, getting annoyed.

"Fine, we'll leave you alone." Hyunsuk said, walking away. "Call me if you need anything."

I only hummed in reply and finished my first shot of tequila. I don't plan on drinking a lot because I am driving later. Maybe two shots is enough.

I felt feminine hands on my shoulders and so I turned my head slightly, seeing a familiar face who is smiling at me with drunken eyes.

"Secretary Go, what are you doing here?" I asked her, my eyes catching sight of how exposed her dress is, her cleavage being easily seen.

"When will you return my love for, Mr. Park?" She asked, pouting.

Oh goodness, here we go again. Being handsome is such a nuisance. Girls will crowd and suffocate you.

"Probably never," I smirked at her and saw the pain in her eyes as she walked away from me with wobbly legs. Its okay, she'll probably forget about it in the morning.

"Give me another one!" I heard a girl shout and so I turned to the crowd, seeing a familiar face with the bartender who tended to my cocktail earlier.

"Okay, beautiful." The bartender chuckled as she and the girl walked back here to the counter. They are not that far from me, maybe three or four seats away.

As the girl sat down my eyes widened realizing who she is. That's Zaine Jung, Chief Marketing Officer in my father's company. This is really unexpected. She doesn't seem like the type who would go here. And what is she doing with that pervert arse bartender?

"Just you wait darling," the bartender grazed his hand on her chin before walking inside the counter.

I saw him putting in the lime tequila in the small glass but he is putting in something more. Its a drug. I knew it. This bartender is taking advantage of her.

With a grinning face, he quickly went out and gave it to her. And she is drinking it his hands are caressing her shoulders and her arms. She looks like she likes it too but its because of the drug. I have to make this arsehole stop.

The moment his hand traveled from her back to her butt that made me really angry. I might have a foul and dirty mouth but I am never like this guy. Dicks like him should vanish.

I stood up from my seat and trudged towards him. I yelled, "hey arsehole!"

He turned to me and I took that opportunity to blow a forceful punch on his face. I hope I broke his nose.

I turned to Zaine and saw the drunk yet shocked face of hers, then my eyes sighted the shot in her hands. Good thing she hasn't finished it all. I snatched it quickly and threw it on the ground, making a lot more people gasp and turn to us.

I don't care if I'm making a scene right now.

"Always so rude, aren't you, Park Jihoon?" Zaine told me in a husky voice, her eyes getting hooded. "Couldn't you see we were having fun?"

This woman is getting on my nerves again. She isn't aware of what this pervert has done to her.

The bartender glared at me and he attempted to punch me but I dodged easily, smirking at him in victory. "You can't even give me a good punch."

I held the pervert by his collar then threw another jab to his jaw, making him fall on the ground. Several gasps and shrieks filled the room and even the music stopped because of the commotion I caused.

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