Ch 45: Happy new year, love

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Again, only play music on cue


"Come on, baby, please get up," Jihoon said as he shook my shoulders gently. "You've been like this for days, you're giving me a hard time."

I stared at the white curtains that danced in the wind that came from outside the balcony. Seeing it dance somehow reminded me of death and reincarnation. I still can't get over of what happened last week. What day is it today again? I guess its the last day of December. We weren't really able to have a proper Christmas but it was a little enjoyable.

"Zaine," Jihoon called me in a serious tone and I hummed in reply. "I know you're grieving. I am too. But you need to take a step in moving on."

"Please stand up. Its lunch time and you haven't even eaten anything yet," he said. "You need to have something in your stomach."

I didn't reply but instead I kept staring at the open glass panes and enjoyed the cold breeze with the comforter still wrapped on my small body. I don't want to get up. I feel like rotting in this bed. Is this what grief does to people?

"If you won't do it for me," he paused. "Then atleast do it for our baby."

He's right. Our baby... my baby needs to recieve a lot of food and nutrients. And so I sat up, even if I didn't want to. I have to do it for the baby. I held my tummy and rubbed it. I don't have a bump yet, that's a surprise. But I can feel that my tummy has grown a little bit.

"Good. Now come, the food's ready," he said and we both went down.

Breakfast was silent. All I could hear was the clinking of silverwares on plates and when we were done, deafening silence companied us, not until Jihoon decided to break the ice.

"I got some clothes ready for you in the bathroom, sweetheart. So wash and dress up," Jihoon said softly then stood up to give me a quick kiss on the forehead before placing his plate in the sink.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked, a little bit excited. I wouldn't mind going out. Maybe it would help me recover from my grief.

"Its a surprise," he said, yet again, like he did before when we were still dating.


Jihoon and I stopped by various stalls as soon as we reached the place where people are gathering to celebrate New Year's Eve and to watch the fireworks when the clock finally turns to twelve.

I smiled widely as soon as I tasted the takoyaki that we bought from a Japanese abbeoji earlier. I looked back at the stall and saw him happily tending to his customers, and seeing him happy while serving them influenced me somehow.

I ate another one while thinking how true it is that serving people and making them happy is better than just recieving. And about how positive people make you happy.

Jihoon, Vanessa, Junkyu, uncle Charlie, my subordinates. I haven't realized until now that I have been and am surrounded by people who continously serve me... without expecting anything in return.

And maybe that was the reason why I wasn't so happy before. Why I was always angry at everything and everyone. Because all I do is recieve.

I turned my head to Jihoon and realized how much he has changed me with his smile, his love, and his touch.

I stopped in my tracks and realized how important Jihoon is to my life. I can't afford losing him like how I losed someone I took for granted. He is precious. He is my treasure.

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