Ch 38: Making him talk

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This scene is requested by a friend of mine DobbysTreasure Happy reading everyone ♡



When I heard the gates opening from outside I ran to the window and saw Jihoon parking his Lamborghini. With a smile, I quickly went to the door and unlocked it, then I stood by the doorway and waited for him to come out.

He slammed the door of his car shut then walked towards me with a big frown on his face. It made me concerned and worried about what happened to him and his father earlier.

"Hey," I greeted him and cupped his face as I place a soft kiss on his lips.

"Hey," he greeted me back with a small smile and rested his hands on my waists.

"Are you okay?" I asked him in a loving tone.

He looked away pulled himself away from me. He went straight inside the house and I am left here standing, wondering why he did that.

I followed where he was going. Upstairs. But as we were going up I started to interrogate him, but in a nice way.

"So, how did the talk with your father go?" I asked him as I fastened my pace. Why does he walk so fast?

"Baby, please let's not talk about this for a second," he said and went inside his dressing room.

There I realized that they must have talked about something... not good, or maybe they just fought. After he took a few clothes out of his dressing room he headed for the bedroom, and here I am, still following him.

I closed the door once we were inside and watched him pace around the room while taking off his necktie roughly. Something is really off about him and he won't tell me. I have to do something.

I walked towards him and smiled at him as I helped him take off the necktie. I threw it to the bed and started unbuttoning his elbow-lengthed polo. "What's wrong, baby? Tell me."

He seemed dazed at me since this is the first time I called him by that nickname. A small smirk etched onto his lips as he tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"I feel like I'm getting hypnotized by your eyes and your voice," he said in a dreamy voice as he stared at me with his hooded eyes.

"You're corny, sir." I laughed.

"No, I'm just sweet," he rephrased, kissing my nose afterwards.

I feel in the mood to have a little fun with him right now. Besides, he won't suspect me being pregnant that way. If I take control, he might talk and tell me what he and his father were talking about earlier that got his mood all grumpy.

(🎶in every kind of way🎶)

After taking his top off, I pushed him to the bed with a playful smile. He seems to be liking the way I am acting, and so I got even more motivated to continue. I hovered above him and started taking off his belt, constantly having my wrists touch his bulge. I feel him growing hard, and I like it.

I leaned and planted kisses on his well-defined chest, down to his abs. I then pulled away and traced my index finger on them. I took off his pants and rubbed on his crotch. He buckled his hips and a grunt came out of him, which means I am doing good work.

"You're wild today, honey," Jihoon said in amusement.

"Well," I paused to take his underwear off using my teeth. I then threw it to God-knows-where before looking back at him in a seductive manner. "I'm gonna make you spill whatever you're hiding from me, darling."

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