Ch 33: Moving in with him

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Ssorry for the typos and Filipino words on my past chaps, I was just in a hurry and had no time to edit it. 🙇


Upon hearing the man say that my house is burning I couldn't talk because of shock. I wanted to confirm if this was true but I could hear a lot of noise from the background; sounds of yells, water gushing out, crackling fire, and sirens. I was petrified in that split second until I ended the call and decided to wake Jihoon up.

I told him about this sudden news and he doubted it too but my panicking state convinced him that I was not joking. We hurried as we packed up our things and headed down the mountain. Jihoon drove carefully but the moment we got on the empty road, Jihoon stepped on it, his speed going at eighty---almost at one hundred.

The speed of his truck scared me but I  don't want to complain. My house is burning. We have to hurry there.

As soon as we reached where the commotion is I jumped out of the car and my eyes quickly landed at my house, along with the houses beside me, and they are burning badly. I placed my shaking hands on my mouth as I watch the firemen try to calm down the angry flames with water. But the damage has been done. All of my belongings are in that god damn house!

I felt Jihoon hug me from behind, trying to comfort me but I am not sad. I am furious. Whoever caused this fire should pay!

"Excuse me, are you miss Zaine Jung? Owner of lot---"

"Yes, I am. Did you manage to save some of my stuff?" I asked quickly as I walked towards him, desperate.

"Yes," he answered, and I sighed in relief. He handed me a box where they placed everything that survived the fire.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and snatched the box, putting it on the ground as I started rummaging through it violently.

Gladly, my wallet survived. Its important that this survived because all my credit cards are in here, and all my money is there, I don't have cash. Some of my clothes survived too, but most of them are the ones I use at home. Another thing survived the fire, something I didn't really know that is still with me. Its the necklace that Arthur Jung gave me. I thought I already got rid of it

I stood up from my kneeling position and walked close to my burning house.

"Hey, lady, back away!" I heard a fireman yell. "Someone get her away!"

I immediately tossed the necklace to the fire with all my strength, and I grinned, watching it disappear in the flames. I then felt Jihoon holding my arms, pulling me away from the fire. Throwing away my father's necklace is something I have always wanted to do for a long time.

You see, we need to let go of the things connected to our dark past. That way, we can focus on to our future, without the past holding us back. That's the art of letting go.

Its alright that I only got a few things back. However, its sad knowing that my car didn't survive too after spending all my money on it. I even had it modified. What a waste.

I suddenly heard a woman talking loud so I turned to her and saw that it was a reporter. Well, of course, ten houses just got in fire it would be in the news.

From a distance, I heard a man screaming and laughing like a crazy person. I did not even noticed that there are police around when I saw two officers holding the crazy guy as they walked up to the car. I walked towards them, close enough to hear the words they are saying.

"Burn, burn, burn little doll!" The crazy man chanted, then he laughed as he was put into the police's car.

Well, atleast he got caught. He must be an escape from mental prison.

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