Ch 20: Pain and pleasure

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All I know is that I have been kissing Jihoon for minutes now. I could remember entering a door or two but I can barely recall anything because I was so indulged in our make out session.

Jihoon threw me on the bed roughly and turned on the lamp which became our small source of light inside this dark room.

He hovered above me with a playful smirk and our lips connected once more. Then we took off each other's clothes; unbuttoning every button on his polo, and sliding the white dress off of me. We were then both naked when realization came upon me that we shouldn't be doing this even if our body says the opposite.

As he was busy playing with my breasts and sucking on it, although pleasured I was, I remembered the day when Jihoon told me that if ever I got pregnant, he will abort the baby. I may be violent but its a child---moreover a fetus, a helpless little one that we are talking about right now. I wouldn't want life to be wasted like that.

"W-wait, I... I think we should... stop," I said in between heavy breaths and moans. I attempted to push Jihoon away but he won't budge.

"Jihoon..." I moaned his name, needing to call his attention. He hummed as he stopped sucking my breast, trailing kisses to my stomach.

"Please... stop. We can't do this," I said, trying to make it sound firm. Then he groaned, pulling away from my skin.

"There you go again with the I think we should stop, we can't do this. What do you take me for, some toy you could play around until you don't want it anymore?" He scowled at me.

"You're going too far," I said. Why did he even think of that?

"Then what now?" He whined.

"Jihoon, I'm scared," I admitted, gulping afterwards.

He looked taken a back but he soon laid down beside me and snaked his arm on my waist, his thumb drawing circles on my skin to comfort me.

"Why?" He asked. "We have already done this before, there's nothing for you to be afraid of."

"Yes, there is," I argued. "I need you to be responsible if ever you get me pregnant."

He crossed his eyebrows. "I think that's too much to ask for."

My heart ached a little from what he said because I wanted to do it with him, I wanted it badly. But if he doesn't want to take responsibility...

"Then let's not do this," I said coldly and attempted to get off the bed when he held my arm and pulled me back to him.

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart," he mused and it was almost as fast as a flash when I heard the clinking of metals. And before I could even comprehend it, both my hands are now chained to the headboard of the bed.

I tugged on the chains and my wrists hurt, making me gasp. I turned to Jihoon while breathing heavily. "What's this?"

"It's for the kink, baby," he answered with a smirk playing on his lips as he took something out of the drawer. It was a small packet and when he bought it up to the light, I already knew what it was.

"You planned this?" I asked him, not sure if I should feel happy or irritated.

"No, I was only being prepared." He winked at me and placed the condom on top of the drawer where it is reachable. "Our first time was too risky. I can't afford to let that happen again."

This made me feel a little relieved. Atleast I wouldn't get pregnant. We will both get our sexual desires without risking anything. I then realized that my legs are widely opened so I closed them immediately. But Jihoon clicked his tongue and pulled them apart, making me gasp.

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