Ch 28: Second chance

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I have no idea how many seconds did Jihoon and I stared at each other. But my heart ached and I felt cold when I saw the pained look on his face. I broke up with him this noon but a part of me says that I shouldn't have kissed Junkyu. I knew deep inside that I did him wrong, but I did not want to admit it.

Jihoon shifted his gaze to Junkyu who is now putting on his shirt. His chest is heaving up and down while water dripped from his clothes. He is soaked in the rain. There was a drastic change in his eyes now that he's looking at Junkyu. They're full of hurt, anger, fury.

"What the fuck were you doing with her?" He asked him, trying to say it in a calm manner.

"Jihoon I---I thought you two broke up and---we were just so into it," Junkyu reasoned.

I looked at him and started breathing heavily too. That was the wrong choice of words. It will only anger Jihoon more. And as I expected, he stomped over to Junkyu and held the collar of his shirt before punching his face hard. I froze in my seat in fear.

"I fucking trusted you, dude," Jihoon muttered. He punched him again, making Junkyu fall to the ground. "How dare you touch my girl!"

Junkyu coughed and held his chest, blood dripping off the corners of his lips. "I'm sorry..."

Jihoon's jaws are clenched and I swear I could see his veins popping out of his neck. His face is so red in anger and I knew right there that I had to intervene.

"Jihoon!" I called him as I stood up. "That's enough."

He looked at me and he calmed down, but there is pain in his eyes once again. And regret. I just want to leap and hug him right now. I want to feel his arms wrapped around me. I want to run my fingers through his hair again. Him being wet from the rain only made me pity him more. I want to show him that I still love him. But I shouldn't.

I stormed out of the house, not knowing what to say to them or what to do. I want to get away from everyone right now because I don't know why this is happening to me. I don't deserve this. I slammed the door shut and ran down my porch, walking to the road under the heavy rain.

Here outside is Jihoon's Audi, the same one he used when we went to his yacht. Gosh, all these memories makes me want to go back inside.

I heard my front door open and close and with that Jihoon called my name. "Zaine!"

I stomped away, far from my house, wherever my feet would take me. But no matter how fast I walked Jihoon wouldn't let me be. I heard his footsteps getting closer so I stopped and turned to him. He stopped walking too and stared at me while panting, his skin, his hair, and his clothes all wet from the rain.

"What do you want now, huh?" I asked in a spiteful voice. "I let you go. You can be with Doyeon now that you're free, why still pester me?!"

Jihoon didn't answer me but instead held my arms and pulled me to his chest. He hugged me tightly that I couldn't move, and not like I want to either. He hugged me as if he doesn't want to let me go, as if this will be the last time he will hug me.

"Please don't walk away again," he whispered, his voice cracking. I then heard him sniffing. "I don't want to see you walking away from me."

"Jihoon... are you crying?" I asked.

"There's a lot you don't know and you need to hear the things I didn't say," he said, ignoring my question.

He pulled away from me and held my arms firmly, then he looked into my eyes. His nose and his eyes are puffy red and his lips are quivering. He was crying. He is cold.

"If... if you think that I don't love you at all, then you're wrong," he said but I shook my head.

"Jihoon I heard everything, how could I be wrong?" I argued.

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