Ch 22: The lie I am in

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Arthur Jung was soon fired from his pretend job as a police officer. He was then taken to court after the investigation. I thought that I was the only witness on the crime scene, turns out our neighbor before also witnessed what happened. Uncle Charlie was very disappointed with his brother as soon as he found out that he murdered his own wife. Being angry and drunk is not an excuse for killing someone. He deserves to be taken in custody. He deserves death, even if he was once my father.

A week has passed since that incident and since Jihoon and I had our night in the yacht. I have never felt so alive in the morning, being very much ready for work and for cleaning. Vanessa never drived me to work or to home again since Jihoon volunteered to be the one to that. Having work and Jihoon's romantic doings every day, the thought of my father never crossed my mind again. It was a big help in forgetting him.

I don't mind all the eyes on me right now while me and Jihoon are walking inside the building with our arms linked together. A smile crept up to my lips as they started gasping and murmuring things such as 'they are together?', 'how could I not know?', 'honestly, they look good together'.

I want them to know that Park Jihoon is mine now, and I am his. I want everyone in this building to know that we love each other, that we belong to each other. And if some bitch tries to interfere, I will pull their reproductive organs out.

While heading to the elevator, I heard the fast clicking of flat sandals on the floor and the yells of two familiar voices that I missed. I turned to Vanessa and Geonwoo who were calling my name, then I smiled at them.

"I missed you!" Vanessa exclaimed while running up to me. She enveloped me in a warm embrace and I hugged her back, showing her just how much I missed her too.

I saw Geonwoo give Jihoon a bow, then Jihoon nodded his head subtly. The other people staring at us bowed their heads too, something they forgot to do earlier since they seemed too shock about me and Jihoon together.

She pulled away and eyed me and Jihoon with a grin. "Ooh, did something happen to you and Mr. Park?"

"Yeah," Jihoon answered and placed his arm around my shoulder. "We're together now."

"Really?!" Geonwoo's eyes widened in disbelief. He seems more apalled than surprised. I wonder why. Are they expecting Jihoon and Doyeon to be together?

"I never saw this coming!" Vanessa said, her hands on her mouth and her eyes wide. But somehow, the shock on her face was not genuine.

Jihoon cleared his throat and tugged on my arm, pressing the button on the elevator in the process. "You three should get to work."

"Yes, sir," Vanessa and Geonwoo replied politely then we went inside the elevator when the doors opened.

On our way up, it was not silent because Geonwoo kept on asking me questions. Vanessa scolded him but she was also asking me tons of questions, like how me and Jihoon got together, where, and when we did.

"He took me to his yacht," I replied shortly and then glanced at Jihoon who seems to be liking me flexing his rich arse.

"What was it like?" Geonwoo nosed.

"His yacht is big and... tall... and spacious," I struggled to describe, which made him pout.

"Come on, of course it would be big, tall, and spacious." He rolled his eyes. "But like, what is the interior design? How did it feel like being there?"

"It feels rather odd since the boat keeps on tilting subtly," I chuckled softly. "But the interior is... its simply amazing. It definitely showed how rich Mr. Park is. His themes are black and red with tints of gold, and his furnitures are all expensive."

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