Ch 2: Be patient with him

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That no good CEO Park Jihoon started walking away from me, not caring about my state, at all.

You know the original CEO must have gone out of his mind to pick him as the new runner of the company. Or if Park Jihoon is his only child then I pity him. We have an arsehole for a CEO and I bet that this company will go down in a few months.

I laughed bitterly and stared at my  blouse. Jiminy crickets, my breasts are easily seen now. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around myself and took my purse with me as I started walking the opposite direction, to another exit from the canteen.

The moment I opened the door the loud rain greeted me. Surprised and annoyed, I frowned because I did not know that it was going to rain. If I did knew then I would probably bring an umbrella with me. Why is this day so awful?

I suddenly felt someone standing beside me so I turned and saw a tall guy in an elbow-lengthed baby blue polo that is neatly tucked in his black skinny jeans. He wore a smile upon his face while holding a transparent umbrella.

"Do you need help getting past the rain?" He asked. How kind of him. But there must be an exchange. Nothing in this world is free.

"No, thank you," I replied, turning my eyes back to the building on the other side of the road.

"Its okay, I know you don't trust me yet since we haven't met before." He chuckled so I glanced at him. "I'm Kim Junkyu. You must be miss Zaine Jung?"

I narrowed my eyes. "How did you know my name?"

"We are in the same company, miss Jung," he laughed softly. "Its just that, we don't talk a lot, do we?"

I looked away from him and stares at the building once again. He is right, we don't talk a lot. And because I am not much of a people-person. I tend to keep myself only few friends then I isolate myself from others. I am more focused on what is important, and I see nothing bad with that.

"You know what, miss Jung? Let me get you coffee since you lost yours." He stated and it made my eyes wide.

Before I could even protest he went inside the canteen again and bought the same order I took earlier. Did he knew that I ordered for a latte or was it just a coincidence?

He handed me the latte with a bright smile on his face. Damn, I couldn't help but smile too. His smile is so contagious.

"Thank you," I said and bowed slightly while taking the latte from him.

I noticed that he seems to be staring at me for too long now, and it is only then when I realized that he is also staring at my chest. I was about to get mad when he suddenly looked away, turning his head to the side while his bangs covered his eyes. I tilted my eyes in surprise, slightly admiring how his ears are blushing pink.

"I-I'm sorry..." he apologized, stuttering. Then he started unbuttoning his polo hastily which made me wonder what he is about to do.

He took off his polo and placed it above my chest then he said, "please cover it with that."

He is only left in a white shirt now, but it is tucked inside his jeans too, which looks really ho---what the heck am I thinking?

I felt my cheeks growing a little warm from his action. He is so thoughtful. I have never met any guy who did something like this to me yet, aside from him.

But of course, I won't flirt or date with a colleage. That is a big no in my life. My father warned me about boys before and I know dad knows them best. I'll achieve my dreams first, then the boys comes in last.

"Hey uh," he uttered then cleared his throat before finally being able to look me in the eyes again. "I'm sorry for what Park Jihoon did to you."

I furrowed my brows. Did he saw what happend? "Why say his name casually?"

"Oh," he chuckled nervously. "Please try not to tell this to anyone but we are actually close friends since high school."

I nodded my head and looked at the few tables blankly and wondered how this Kim Junkyu managed to stay with sir Park and his awful and ill-mannered being. But maybe he considers being friends with him as an honor because of the fact that he is the son of a filthy rich man.

The door of the canteen suddenly opened and two boys ran inside with goofy smiles on their faces and their clothes and hair partially wet. As they got inside another person went in and I raised my brows seeing that it is Vanessa who is with them.

They were giggling and talking loudly but not until they saw me and probably the guy beside me.

"Junkyu, I didn't know you two knew each other," a short guy with a thin body and swag clothing mused. The tall guy beside him with ash gray hair wiggled his eyebrows at Junkyu then.

"Oh uh, no, we just met right now," Junkyu chuckled nervously while shaking his hands at them.

Vanessa went up to me and smiled awkwardly while nudging her head softly to Junkyu. "You two knew each other?"

I shook my head. "Like he said, just now."

She nodded her head slowly and scratched the back of her head.

"Who are they?" I asked Vanessa as I pointed to the two boys beside him who are looking at us.

"Oh, I tried introducing them to you before but you said that you don't want to meet anyone." Vanessa muttered while chuckling from time to time.

Wow. Am I really that un-sociable?

"Sorry for that," I apologized casually then turned to the boys and extended my hand. "I'm Zaine Jung."

Everyone's expressions was from happy to shocked, as if they saw a ghost, that is what it looks like. I furrowed my brows as I watched them exhcanged glances from each other, even Vanessa. Did I do something wrong?

"That's unlike you," Vanessa stated.

Oh, they were just shocked. I thought I did something wrong. And yes, it is unlike me so I hope that they enjoy this before it lasts.

The swag boy smiled at me as he took my hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Zaine Jung. I am Choi Hyunsuk and this guy is Yoshinori, but just call him Yoshi."

"Oh, I prefer you call her miss Jung." Junkyu whispered to him, although what's the point of whispering it when I could hear it?

The boys tilted their heads at him in confusion. Well, I'll let this boy do the explaining for them.

"She's the CMO of our company," Junkyu said in a proud voice. "Miss Jung handles the marketing and other things regarding that."

"This is my bestfriend!" Vanessa chimed happily as she clung to my arm, giggling.

I can't help but smile a little because they are both proud of me. I didn't know that the people who knows me feels like this. I always thought that they don't like me because they see me as a dragon; often angry and annoyed. But I do try my best to change my attitude.

"Wait a second." Vanessa pulled away from me and eyed Junkyu's baby blue polo that is on me. "Why are you in his polo?"

Oh my goodness this girl.

"Chill. Our arse of a CEO had me spill latte on my top." I lifted the polo slightly and Vanessa peeked, nodding her head afterwards.

"Right," she said, pursing her lips afterwards. She must feel awkward doing that because there are three boys in front of us right now.

"Ohh, Jihoon, you mean?" Hyunsuk laughed and I nodded. Does this mean that these other two guys are also friends with our so-called boss?

"Don't think about him too much," Yoshinori said, trying to comfort me. "Be patient with him. He's just going through something right now."

Junkyu slightly covered his mouth. "Why did you say that?"

"Dude, he's gonna kill us." Hyunsuk chuckled.

Be patient with the guy, eh? I don't think that will ever happen.

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