Ch 4: Firing shots

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I gave my biggest smile the moment the door of the limousine opened. Me and Geonwoo bowed our heads as Mr. Hiroshima stepped outside their vehicle. The silver streaks on his hair, his small pig-like eyes, and the frown on his face made him look intimidating.

I can't let my guard down right now. I have to be, and I have to do my best. Good that I practiced my presentation a hundred times now. Nothing could go wrong today. I just have to stay positive.

"This way sir," Geonwoo said with a bright smile on his face as he gestured his hand inside the building.

Mr. Hiroshima eyed the building for a few moments before following me and Geonwoo inside.

"How many floors?" Our client asked with his strong Japanese accent. I glanced at Geonwoo, not knowing what to say because what he asked was an unlikely question. "How many floors does this building have?"

"Forty, sir." I answered then he nodded.

"I hate companies with almost a hundred floors." He suddenly said. "At my age, its hard to escape if something bad happens."

I get what Mr. Hiroshima means. He is probably considering the odds of having high buildings because if a calamity happens then his chance of surviving will be low.

For me, he is low-key complimenting our company. I guess that's a point from him already. I'm happy this is going well.

An awkward silence filled us the moment we were in the elevator. Even with it stopping to get more people inside, I noticed the annoyed and impatient look on Mr. Hiroshima's face. Maybe this is another reason why he doesn't like high buildings.

"Isn't the sun really bright today, sir?" Geonwoo tried to make small talk with him, smiling constantly.

I face-palmed my face in my mind from the silly question Geonwoo asked him. Why is he asking him about the weather?

I glanced at Mr. Hiroshima and noticed that he remained that annoyed expression on his face. I then glanced at Geonwoo and saw the regret in his face. He smiled awkwardly at me and I rolled my eyes.

It was going great until now. Is this guy an idiot?

After the four minutes that felt like four hundred years, we finally reached the twenty-ninth floor. The other people made way for Mr. Hiroshima, and gladly, we were out there in a jiffy. I was feeling suffocated.

While walking in the corridors, a bright girl in lavender came upon us. She bowed and greeted Mr. Hiroshima. I am glad that this girl came, she knows how to handle people.

"Good morning Mr. Hiroshima, I am Vanessa Kim. It is a wonderful pleasure to have you here!" She exclaimed and extended her hand to him. Surprisingly, he smiled and took her hand, shaking it gladly.

"Its a pleasure meeting you, miss Kim. The other two here seems to be too shy to introduce theirselves." Mr. Hiroshima chuckled.

Me and Geonwoo exchanged glances while Vanessa chuckled along with him. I must work on my social skills. Because of this introverted trait of mine, I might fall behind. I might lose this job.

"I am sorry on their behalf sir." Vanessa apologized then bowed her head.

"This is Jang Geonwoo," she said and Geonwoo smiled at him. Then she placed her hand on me. "And this is Zaine Jung. We're from the marketing team."

"As I expected," Mr. Hiroshima said nonchalantly. "I want to know how you are going to market my product. I hope it is more beneficial for me than for you."

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