Ch 42: Lose you too

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"How was it?" I asked Jihoon as soon as he came home. "What did they say?"

Jihoon unbuttoned the first button on his polo and sighed as he sat down the couch. "Its... it was unsuccessful."


"Why?" I asked and sat beside him.

This can't be happening. I honestly thought that it would work... Vanessa has been added to my stack of problems and now that this issue about the business and the marriage doesn't seem like its gonna be fixed soon, I think I might go insane.

I buried my face in my palms and sighed heavily. Why won't these problems just go away?!

"Love," Jihoon called me and I felt him place his hand on my thigh.

I looked up at him and got confused when he started smirking. "Its a prank. I love you."

My blood boiled in irritation so I spanked his arm multiple times. "Park! Jihoon! You! Evil! Naughty! Prankster!"

"Ow, ow, ow, stop! I'm sorry!" Jihoon cried and laughed while curling up into a ball.

I stopped spanking him and huffed, crossing my arms while shooting glares at the flatscreen in front of me. "That wasn't nice."

"Spanking me wasn't nice either," he said and I glared at him, so he chuckled awkwardly and pulled me in for a hug. "Nevermind, I deserved your spanks."

"Does this mean that it was successful?" I asked him, calming down gradually.

"Yes, baby," he said and kissed my forehead. "I won't marry Doyeon, and the business won't fall."

I hugged Jihoon back as a wide grin spread across my face. "I'm so happy we finally solved this problem."

The employees have nothing to worry about anymore. I'm sure everyone has gotten used to their work now and it'll be stressful if ever they try to find a new decent job. What's more relieving is that I don't have to worry about Go Doyeon anymore. Maybe that's the best plan she could pull out---but it didn't work. So I really hope that she stops pestering us from now on so me and Jihoon can finally leave in peace.

We pulled away and he landed a soft kiss on my nose. I giggled at the contact and just felt the need to tell him, "I love you."

"I love you too," he said. "But are you alright? I heard that something happened earlier."

Right... Vanessa lashed out at me. I never knew that she kept all those feelings inside of her and endured it. I feel really guilty hiding almost everything to her when she has always been an open book to me.

"Jihoon, there must be some kind of mistake when Yoshinori tracked the number of creepy sender," I said.

"Maybe. After all, Yoshinori is not a professional when it comes to those stuff. But I hardly think that there was an error," he stated.

I stood up and argued. "No, something's off. I can feel it."

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Jihoon asked me.

"I want to," I said, looking away from him as I crossed my arms. "I have to say sorry about... a lot of things. I just feel a little scared."

I heard the couch creak softly as Jihoon stood up. I then felt him hugging me from behind and putting his chin on my shoulder. "Don't be. She'll always forgive you because Nessa loves you."

I know Vanessa loves me. That's why I really think that she wouldn't do anything bad to me, even something as petty as creepy messages.

"Now I'm starting to think that Nessa is innocent, too." Jihoon chuckled, and I did too.

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