Ch 27: We're alone

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Play the music on my cue.


Junkyu closed the door and turned the lights on while I walk towards the living room, water dripping off me. I stopped by the carpet and looked at Junkyu who is now taking off his jacket while trudging over to me.

"Here," he said as he placed his jacket on me. He gave me a small smile. "Keep this on while I search where the towels are."

I couldn't smile back at him even though I want to. He went away but before he could go any further, I opened my quivering mouth to speak.

"T-the towels are in t-the bathroom," I stuttered while pointing to where the bathroom is. He gave me a thumbs up and went to get one. I feel so cold right now. My teeth are chattering too so I hugged myself.

A minute later he came back with one of my towels. He helped me dry myself and comforted me, told me a lot of sweet things that I needed to hear. He is genuinely concerned, and I feel bad not being able to see him the way he sees me.

Junkyu sighed and stopped his ministries, looking me in the eyes with so much worry. "Why don't you have a nice warm shower?"

"Yeah, I will," I said, taking the towel and the jacket off of me.

"I'll make you something warm too, how about that?" He smiled at me.

"You don't have to," I said, letting out a small laugh. "Really."

"No, let me. You've been in the rain for too long. Look at you, you're shaking badly." He eyed me.

"Fine." I sighed and gave him a bitter smile. "I'll wash, you cook. Goodluck with that."

"Oh, you're underestimating me?" He laughed and crossed his arms. "I know how to cook, miss secretary."

Hearing the word secretary bought me bad memories of what happened earlier. The smile on my face faded then. But I shook my head softly and tried to erase it off my head.

"Okay then," I simply replied and headed to the bathroom.

I did what I had to do. I spent several minutes just soaking my body in the warm water while I lie there in the tub peacefully, my mind going elsewhere as I rest.

Its kind of funny when I analyze the situation I am in right now. My best friend wants to be noticed by her high school crush, Kim Junkyu, who only looked at me. Maybe the reason why she told Jihoon to make me fall in love with him is because her efforts to make Junkyu see her is not working well. Its laughable and quite pitiful how desperate she is to be loved by her long time crush.

However, the words Vanessa said to Jihoon flashed through my mind.

"Its making her life miserable, Jihoon. I think we should just stop this."

"If only I knew that Doyeon will hunt her down... if only I knew then I probably won't help you and Zaine get together."

Help? Did Jihoon ask for help?

"No matter how much I want Junkyu, I can't bear watching Zaine being bullied by that toxic bitch you've been using."

"I don't want that crazy woman lashing out at Zaine."

She still cares for me. Moreover, she seems to be protecting me... from Doyeon. Did she let me discover that horrible footage so that I would break up with Jihoon? Maybe she let that happen so that Doyeon will not fill me with her toxicity anymore. Because if Jihoon and I continue dating, and as she said, she would make my life a living hell.

I frowned thinking once more about the situation; Vanessa loves Junkyu yet he is in love with me, and I am in love with Jihoon who is in love with Doyeon. We are all just fools chasing after people that cannot be ours. So why do we even do it? Why do we still feel this way?

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