Ch 25: The truth unfolds

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"Its making her life miserable, Jihoon," I heard Vanessa's voice say from inside, and she sounds stressed. "I think we should just stop this."

What the hell are they talking about? Why are they together?

"I can't lie and pretend anymore," she continued, intense distress evident in her tone. "If only I knew that Doyeon will hunt her down... if only I knew then I probably won't help you and Zaine get together."

I heard Vanessa pacing around the room. "Let's stop this act."

"You know, I hate this about you," Jihoon remarked. "Just because you're one of my best friends doesn't mean that I'll do everything you ask, Vanessa."

I leaned closer, eager to know more as I eavesdrop. I am not that surprised that Vanessa and Jihoon are friends, moreover best friends. What confuses is why she didn't tell me about it. What is there to hide about their friendship?

"Its just a simple favor, Jihoon! No matter how much I want Junkyu I can't bear watching Zaine being bullied by that toxic bitch you've been using," Vanessa replied.

"So now you're telling me to break up with her? Cut my ties with Zaine?" Jihoon asked her.

"Yes, Jihoon! Its the only way that Doyeon will stop," Vanessa answered.


I bought my hand up to my mouth and felt my heart aching at what I heard.

"Let me go through everything because I don't understand," Jihoon said, then I heard the faint patters of his shoes as he paced around the room.

"You wanted me to flirt with her and get her to love me so that you can have Junkyu all for yourself, and I did woman, I did what you asked!" He yelled. "And now that I have Zaine you want me to break up with her? You're messing me up!"

Was everything fake then? All the love he made me feel... was it all a lie? I should have listened to Doyeon. How could they do this to me?

"Look, Ji, Doyeon is madly in love with you. She thinks she has a chance! What do you think that makes Zaine now?" Vanessa asked him, but he didn't answer.

She continued, "I don't want that crazy woman lashing out at Zaine."

"But why suddenly change the plan when everything is going so perfectly?" He asked her in an irritated voice

"Jihoon listen---"

"Why don't you look at yourself? You haven't done anything to get Junkyu to love you. He doesn't even know you exist!"

"You're getting too personal now, Jihoon."

"I am not, I am just stating facts. Perhaps you're forgetting that I am your boss and you are working under me. You don't get to tell me what I should do now---"

I accidentally leaned more to the door resulting for it to creak open. And now both their wide eyes are staring at me in shock.

"Z-Zaine..." Vanessa breathed out my name.

I didn't even noticed that my cold hands are now shaking as I balled them into fists. I feel anger burning through my skin and I feel as though I wanted to thrash everything in this room.

"What else don't I know?" I asked them, trying to stay calm.

"Zaine, I'm sorry..." Vanessa muttered with teary eyes then she walked towards me and attempted to reach for my arm, but I slapped her hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me," I growled. "You told him to flirt with me?"

She remained silent and shook her head. "I'm sorry! I only wanted to get Junkyu to notice me and for that to happen, I knew I had to get you and Jihoon together."

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