Ch 3: Without me

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"Finally!" I mused in victory the moment I finished posting the advertisement of the product on every website that people would often go to.

I have no idea how long I have been sitting here. But I do see a small pool of water underneath my untouched frappe. It must be sitting there for quite a while now that the condensation has already dripped down. I guess I have been working on the ad for two hours now.

Recalling how one editor from another site almost fought me over the phone had me rolling my eyes and rubbing my temple. That site is not that popular anyway, so it wasn't a lost. I just hate people who likes arguments, even though I myself would often be the one to start it.

The transparent door of my office opened and I saw Vanessa's head peeking in with that bright smile that is always on her face. She is always so bubbly and shiny. How did we even became friends anyway?

"Do you need anything?" I asked formally.

She shook her head and went inside, gently closing my door, then she walked up to me with a dozen of folders with her.

"What's that?" I eyed the folders.

"Well..." she trailed off as she placed the stack of white folders beside my computer. "These are all finished and edited, and ready to go. All that its need to be done is to be submitted to our CEO."

She smiled at me cheekily and I gave her an apalled look. This girl knows that I don't like the chairman's son. And I bet that he doesn't like me either.

"Don't." I shook my head at her and gave her a glare.

She pouted. "Come on, I was just hoping you two would get along, 'cause you know, and you said yourself, that personal matters shouldn't be bought to work."

I glared at her more and she chuckled nervously. "Just saying."

She's using my own word against me. I have to make an excuse out of this. I don't want to go near that thick-arsed boss of ours ever again.

"I have to go the other building, tight schedule." I lied then patted the cabinet beside me. "The information team is waiting for these documents. You know how Niel gets."

She wore an expressionless face then chuckled softly. "You're such a bad liar."

I looked away from her and pretended to be opening a few files on my computer. How can she read me so well?

"I was with you when we gave those documents to Yejung." She mused then giggled.

I groaned and took all the folders roughly. "Whatever."

She clapped her hands softly. "Yay!"

I sighed in distress as I walked out of my office. I heard the door open and close again and figured that Vanessa must have went out of the office too. Good. I don't want her fiddling with my stuff there.

"You can do it!" She yelled from behind me, much to my annoyance.

It took me several more floors before I reached the highest floor to our CEO's grand office. I hate that he is running the company. Mr. Park was such a good boss, but his son is far different from him. So rude and ill-mannered. I wish he hadn't passed the company down to him yet.

There is no one here, at all. The only thing that replaced the silence in this floor is the clicking of my low stilettoes against the white marble tiles as I walk towards sir Park Jihoon's office.

I stopped a few feet from the huge doors to admire its black color and the expensive-looking gold knobs of it. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to respond. Ten seconds has passed but no one is speaking nor opening the door.

I knocked once more then I heard a loud laugh inside the room, which made my eyebrows cross. What the heck is he doing inside? I knocked again and finally I heard his voice.

"Who the heck is it?" He asked in a loud voice.

"Mr. Park its me, Zaine Jung from the marketing team." I replied and he spoke right away.

"Yeah, yeah, just come in." Then I heard him laughing again.

His laugh is even irritating.

I turned the knob and pushed the door and I was greeted by the maroon walls that I am very fond of when his father was still the CEO. The more I opened the door, the more I see the familiar stuff I grew up seeing.

I walked inside and saw that the flatscreen is on with some Netflix show, and by the CEO's chair there sat Park Jihoon with his shoed feet resting on the table, where it is not supposed to be.

He was laughing again as if there is no more tomorrow and I had to get his attention. I cleared my throat and he pointed the remote to the TV, pausing it before turning to me with an annoyed expression.

"What is it that you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" He questioned me still with that annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your work sir, but I am here to deliver you these. Its all complete, all we need now is your opinion and approval." As I said that I walked up to him, handint him the dozen of folders.

"Why is this so many?" He muttered then clicked his tongue while taking the folders.

I frowned from the thought that he is complaining while he is the runner of this company. We were busy the whole day yet here he is, laughing at some worthless show.

From the other side of his table, I sighted stacks of papers and folders that made my eyes completely wide. My lips parted with each other at the thought that this guy isn't doing his work at all. I want to punch him right now.

"You may leave," he said nonchalantly before roughly placing the folders I gave him on top of the stacks of documents he has.

This has to end, I can't take it.

"Excuse me sir, but when are you planning to do those?" I asked straightforwardly as I pointed to the enormous stack.

He frowned and exchanged glances between the papers and me. "Why do you care?"

I scoffed. "Sir I think you're forgetting that you're the runner of this company. I think we have to rush things now because in two days we'll be busy with another client."

He slammed his hand on the table making me flinch in surprise then he gave me a menacing glare.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," he growled then stood up from his seat. "I'm the boss here. You're just an employee, I can fire you anytime I want."

Hearing him belittle me offended me greatly. And me being short tempered, I couldn't control myself from throwing back offensive words to him, even though he is my boss.

"Fire me if you want, but its your loss. Everyone knows that in this company, I am the one you specially need. Without me, this company will crumble to ashes." I scared him and smirked.

Its true though. In this company, I am the only one who catches others tasks whenever they don't finish it, and that is not even one of my tasks. I am the one who markets our clients products and I do most of the talking and convincing. Without me, this company won't get any more clients. Without me, they will lose sixty percent of their power.

Park Jihoon huffed and stared at me, probably thinking about what I said. He can't fire me. He knows how much his father trusts me too.

He made a shooing gesture and bought his eyes back to his flatscreen.

"Get out of my sight." He commanded.

"As you wish, sir." I said in a mocking tone before turning my back to him and walking away.

As soon as I was out of his office, I slammed his door shut and stomped all the way to the elevator.

If I were to be the CEO of this company, I will fire him for being so irresponsible. I can't believe that he would do such a thing---sacrificing work for some stupid show.

Someone needs to sort out their priorities.

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