Ch 8: His dominance

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I woke up with bright lights greeting me from the open balcony. The sliding door is open wide and so are the thin white curtains. Scanning the unfamiliar white ceiling and maroon colored walls, I realized that this is not my bedroom. Heck, it seems like I am in someone else's house right now.

Oh, fuck that Ruwei guy. I must be in his house right now.

I sat up and stretched my limbs, then I grunted as I feel pain in my lower back and my thighs. My legs feel so sore and my womanhood doesn't feel so well too. Only then did I realized that I am naked, which had me wide-eyed and had me pulling the white comforter up to my neck.

Did I just had sex with a lowly bartender?

"Oh my God..." I whispered to myself as I bought my hands to my mouth.

A few fragments of what happened yesterday flashed through my mind---like the pleasure I felt. And I do remember almost crashing with a truck. But the person whom I was with is blurry in my head.

I swear if I got pregnant because of that arsehole I'm going to kill him. How dare he drug me and take advantage of me?

I want to give my virginity to my future husband yet I lost it to some bastard. I was so stupid to come with Vanessa and the others.

But hold on, the things in this room, and this room itself looks so expensive. Was that bartender rich then? I don't really think so.

With wobbly legs, I did my best to stand up and walk to the long cabinet next to the wall, and the tall wardrobe that is standing next to it. All the furniture in this room seems to be playing from grey to black. He seems to have a color palette.

I walked over to the ottoman and saw a large white polo resting on it. Its too big for my frame but it is big enough to cover the thing between my thighs.

"Let me take this," I muttered as I put on the long sleeved polo. This is the least that the bastard could do for me.

I hugged myself as I walked out of the room. But as soon as I shut the door close, I turned around to be greeted by a large two-way staircase below me and a huge and shiny chandelier hanging elegantly on the high ceiling.

My lips parted as I let my eyes wander across this enormous mansion. This black marble floor and the glass windows and fences, and how there is so many rooms here makes me think that it cannot be Ruwei who's living here.

But who could it be?

The smell of bacon and eggs wafted in the air and the scent allured me as if telling me to follow where it comes from. And so I did. I walked down the marble staircase, barefooted, and reached the first floor so I trudged to where the delicious smell is coming from.

There is a man in the kitchen with his muscular back facing me. He doesn't seem to notice my presence. The back of his head looks a little familiar. And seeing him right now I realized that it is not Ruwei, gladly.

Did I fuck a handsome stranger then?

I held my temple and leaned on the arch of the kitchen as my head started aching as I remember a few things that happened last night. Aside from the pleasure, I can recall screaming the name... Park Jihoon?

Oh hell no.

The man in the white sando turned to me while holding a pan in his hand while the other is in the pocket of his shorts. And I was damn right, it is Park Jihoon, my boss.

"So you're awake now," was all that he said before going to the counter isle and putting the eggs and bacon on two plates.

I was waiting for him to say sorry or say anything that would show regret so I crossed my arms and stared at him. But as he was done with what he was doing, he stared at me too with that expressionless face and those arrogant eyes.

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