Ch 10: First apology

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"Let me carry that for you," Junkyu said as he took the tray from me and walked to the table we chose to eat upon.

"Thank you." I walked beside him and sat opposite to him, tucking my wallet inside my pocket rather than displaying it on the table.

He did a short prayer and I stared at him, wondering if I should do the same. But instead of doing it, I decided to eat since I am not a religous person. And I know that I have a lot of sins so the idea of praying to God made me feel shy.

He started digging into his food and I observed Junkyu as he ate. Just by his appearance, you can easily tell that he is a decent man. The way his hair is fixed, stroked to the side, how his necktie and collars are perfect, and how he eats shows how neat of a person he is.

He is so handsome too and he has a good heart. I would like to date him but deep inside me, I just can't seem to like him in a romantic way.

"Your food's gonna run away if you keep poking it with your fork," Junkyu said, giggling as he pointed his spoon to my plate.

I glanced down and realized that I haven't been eating. I guess I was too caught up with this guy in front of me, staring and thinking about him.

"Oh," was all I could say before I started eating too.

I suddenly recalled that I have seen him a lot of times whenever we would have meetings or new clients. I am curious as to why he is there every time.

"Hey, Junkyu." I called him.

He looked up at me and hummed.

"I'm suddenly wondering if you have an important position in our company." I said, eating my pasta once again as I wait for his answer.

"Wow, this is a first." Junkyu chuckled, putting down his utensils. "Miss Zaine Jung is curious about me. And you never even knew I existed 'til I offered you an umbrella."

I rolled my eyes and he only smiled at me as he started explaining. "Since you are asking, I will humbly say that I am the Chief Human Resources Officer."

My lips formed an 'o' shape as I realized that the reason he has been calling me miss is because I have a higher position than him. But since our gap is only one rank, and since we are more than acquaintances now, we can call out the formalities and just casually talk to each other.

Another thought came to my head so I leaned towards him while narrowing my eyes.

"I also want to ask about your friends Yoshinori and Choi Hyunsuk." I then started finishing my creamy pasta.

"Yeah, what about them?" He asked, wiping off the sides of his lips with a small table napkin.

"Are they both working here too?" I questioned since they were here with Vanessa that day when it was raining.

Junkyu nodded immediately. I nodded my head slowly and wondered where the two of them are working at.

"Yoshinori works there." Junkyu pointed to the Starbucks in front of the company building. "Haven't you noticed?"

"No. I don't go there." Well that's another reason aside from I am not that attentive to the people around me.

"Why?" He asked. He is indeed a nice guy but him being this nosy annoys me.

"I don't like Starbucks." I simply answered and wiped the excess sauce on the corners of my lips.

"I see." He nodded.

"And what does Choi Hyunsuk do for a living?" I asked.

"Hyunsuk? Him? Oh, uh..." he trailed off, averting his eyes to the other table. "He... um."

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