Ch 36: In a game of chess

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Two weeks has passed and living with Jihoon became more than comfortable for me. It did feel like home, because I'm with him.

"M-miss Jung?" The girl beside me called my name and awakened me back to reality. Wow, this must be the nth time I zoned out.

"Mister Kim wants to talk to you when you reach his office," the girl said. I only nodded to her as a reply.

When the elevator doors opened I quickly went to Junkyu's office and knocked first before turning the doorknob. I went inside and placed all the documents on top of his desk, then I placed my hands on my hips.

"An employee told me that you want to talk to me?" I asked him.

"Yeah... uh... this is not quite work-related, you see," he said, chuckling awkwardly.

I crossed my brows. "Okay, but make it quick. We have another client to tend to in fifteen minutes."

"Okay." He looked away from me and fiddled with his fingers. "I want to say sorry for pushing myself to you in the past."

"Junkyu if you just want to say sorry, I'll be leaving now because I already forgave you, there's nothing more we need to discuss." I started growing annoyed. Why am I getting easily annoyed these days?

"No, I... I also need your help," he admitted, looking me in the eyes.

"With what?" I raised a brow.

"Please don't tell this to Vanessa," he pleaded. "I kinda... like her."

I gasped. "You're not joking?"

"I-its not like I like her so much, you know, its just a small crush." He looked away from me, his ears blushing pink. "That's all it is."

A smile crept up to my face as I imagined the two of them getting together. Vanessa would be really happy! I really want to tell this to her but I can't do that. Junkyu trusts me so I won't break his trust.

"When do you plan to tell her?" I asked him.

"That's the problem." He sighed. "I  don't want to tell it to her because she might think that I only like her out of pity."

I looked at the clock behind him and my blood boiled in panic. "We need to go," I said.

Junkyu and me went up to the meeting room and waited for Vanessa and Geonwoo to take the client up here. We're almost complete but Jihoon and the CIO are still not here. I paced around the room and texted both of them but none replied.

"Shit," I cursed, pulling my hands to my mouth. What do I do?

The door then opened and revealed a familiar client---Mr. Hiroshima, with Vanessa and Geonwoo behind him. We all bowed our heads as we greeted him. But when we stood up straight again, there wasn't a pleased look on his face.

"I decided to give Park Industries a second chance yet nothing has changed," he said in a slow manner as he glared at each one of us.

Vanessa mouthed me 'where is Jihoon?' And I could only gave her a worried look, because that's not the only problem. The CIO is not here. Where the hell are they? Why is this happening again?

"Mr. Hiroshima, I promise you, Mr. Park will be here any minute now," I said. "Please take a seat."

Mr. Hiroshima grumbled as he went to the seat by the end of the long table. Then he massaged his temples. "Where is the other one?" He asked.

"Should I fetch them, sir?" I asked politely.

"That's a stupid question, miss secretary," he stated, really pissed off.

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