Ch 24: Promotions

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A few days passed and everything seems to get better and better. I have a car. I have a stable work. I have food every day. I have a bestfriend. And I have a boyfriend. I couldn't ask for more.

Jihoon is often on his phone these days too, but I paid it no mind because he is still romantic with me. He is still thoughtful as ever. There is no way that he would cheat on me after everything he has shown me, after everything we shared. Its also amazing how he is the reason why I don't cuss anymore, and why my patience increased. He is the reason for the great change I had in myself.

We had a small client earlier and we were glad because it was a successful megotiation. The client wasn't snappy and he was most certainly kind and appreciative. He was also a happy person. We were glad that everything went fine today. Although Mr. Park told everyone to go back to the meeting room after sending our client off.

"Do you have any idea why sir Jihoon is holding a meeting right now?" Junkyu asked everyone while me and the five other employees are in the elevator.

"I literally have no idea," I answered and chuckled.

Junkyu gave me a disappointing gaze and I immediately shut up, realizing that the both of us are not in good terms since I rejected him in a harsh way. I cleared my throat and muttered, "sorry."

Silence was the only thing that companied us through the whole long ride in the elevator. It almost felt like years because of the intense tension between me and Junkyu. With him acting this way, I couldn't help but feel more guilty. Sure, I did the right thing, but not in the right way.

Finally, the elevator gave its ting sound and we have reached our desired floor. We scurried towards the meeting room and saw the few members impatiently tapping their pens on the table, and Jihoon is standing before his entitled chair, giving annoyed stares at the people I am with.

One of the people that was in the room was, of course, secretary Go, with her round glasses and round eyes staring intently at her laptop while typing God-knows-what. She caught me staring at her so she flashed a fake smile.

"Next time, please be in a hurry. Me and Mr. Park don't have all the time in the world," Doyeon said, mainly to me, still with that fake smile plastered on her face. I grimaced at her and did not bother to give back a fake smile, since I don't like faking anything.

"Its alright, secretary Go, no need to scold them." Jihoon huffed and held the bridge of his nose. "Just sit down, the lot of you."

We did as we were told and we ran to our seats. Me and Junkyu have always been seatmates whenever a meeting is called since the seating arrangement is based on our hierarchy. The moment we sat down, Junkyu scooted away from me, further than needed. I sighed and sat straight, facing Jihoon so that he could start the meeting now.

"I called all of you because," he started, switching gazes from each of us with a playful smile. "Two people are being promoted today."

I gasped and I glanced at Vanessa who is looking at me with wide eyes and a big smile. She looks really excited for this. And she has been working hard all these years, so she deserves to get a rank in the company.

"However!" Jihoon raised his index finger and his expression changed to a serious one. "One will have to step down."

Geonwoo raised his hand and Jihoon gave him the permission to speak, so he did.

"Excuse me, sir, but why will that person have to step down?" He asked politely.

"That person hasn't done any improvements at all," Jihoon answered his question, giving reason to why he is eliminating one from the rankings. "Aside from that, that person has shown poor performance. And so I have no other choice than to take that person down and replace it."

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