Ch 9: Thoughtful boy

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As I walked out of the black gates that closed by itself, I turned around to sight upon my boss's mansion. I scoffed to myself as I remembered him saying that he would abort the baby if I did got pregnant.

I really want to rage out but I took deep breaths and sighed heavily. Boys will always be boys, I should always keep that in mind. Just be patient with them.

I started walking on the sidewalks and admired how clean the pavements are and how neat and beautiful everything looks like. The houses here are indeed castle-like, similar to Park Jihoon's. But I have to admit, Jihoon's modern style mansion looks better.

There was suddenly a honk of a car which startled me since I wasn't on the road, I was in the proper walking path.

I turned my head and saw a shiny white sedan with a big snout and a cute butt. These kinds of cars are my ideal type. And seeing the round metal logo on the front with a bird-like carving in the middle, this is probably Mazda.

The window in the passenger seat opened and I saw a familiar boy in glasses in the driver's seat, smiling at me as he took off those shades.

"Hop in, miss Jung," Junkyu told me cheerfully.

"Thank God," I muttered to myself as I opened the door and went in. I don't want to walk all the way to my house so I am thankful that Kim Junkyu is here.

As I got in, I put on my seatbelt and the car started moving in a normal speed. I can't help bit notice his lime scented car. It smells so juicy and refreshing.

"Wait," I said, then he turned to me. "Did you know I was here?"

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Yes, miss Jung. Jihoon asked me a favor to drive you to your house."

My eyebrows furrowed. "He what?"

That is so unlikely of Park Jihoon to do. Is this boy messing with me?

"Oh," He said to himself with his eyes on the road. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

I stared at him for a couple of seconds but he didn't say anything further so I decided to let go of the topic, then I also stared at the empty road as he drove out of the heavily guarded subdivision.

"How did those guards let you in?" I asked as I kept my eyes glued on the guardhouse.

"I often come to Jihoon's house. They're used to seeing me and my car everyday." He said with a smile.

I nodded and rested my back. Oh goodness, my lower back still aches a little bit.

"Oh, why were you in his house early in the morning?" Junkyu asked me and I slowly turned to the window, trying hard to not make him see the surprised expression on my face.

"I, uh..." I stammered, thinking of a good reason.

Before I could say anything more he spoke again. "Oh, how did you go home last night, miss Jung? We didn't saw you anymore yesterday."

Kill me now. I am so screwed right now. This Junkyu guy is too nosy and I bet he is smart too so he will catch up quickly. I have to think of a good reason.

"I decided not to drink anything after seeing how drunk Doyeon became." I lied, still staring idly at the window. "Then I went home."

"Oh, okay miss Jung." I heard Junkyu mutter. I hope he doesn't suspect me.

"No need to call me formally," I said plainly.

"Okay, miss--ah, Zaine," he uttered, tapping his finger on the wheel constantly.

"But why were you in Jihoon's house?" He asked once again. "He wouldn't tell me why."

I played with the hem of the skirt that I was wearing at the bar yesterday as I thought of a good lie. I am more of a honest and a frank person, I lie rarely so I don't know what to say to him right now.

"We... we had to fix a few documents that..." I trailed, quickly swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. "That he wasn't able to finish... last friday."

"Oh," was all he said with his eyes still fixed on the road. I have no idea if that was a good oh or a bad oh.

"Yeah, Jihoon often tends to procrastinate, a lot." He chuckled, and I sighed in relief that he bought that. "Just be patient with him. We are just twenty one anyways."

I know. But girls do mature faster than boys. Having me being the same age as them but me being more responsible just tells that girls deserve to be with older men. Guys our age aren't mature enough.

"Why are you even friends with him?" I asked, narrowing my brows.

"Trust me, he's not as bad you think." He chuckled nervously while taking several glances to me.

"Really now?" I asked sarcastically.

"I promise." He laughed. "He was a jerk when we met and nothing has changed. But what I do know is he has a soft spot. You just need time to see it."

So he is saying that if I get to know him and be with him more as time passes by, then I will see a different side of him? That is pretty interesting and honestly, I am curious about him since Yoshinori said that Jihoon is going through something.

"Zaine, where do you live?" Junkyu asked me.

I told Junkyu where my subdivision is. And as we were driving he started opening up a conversation about him, Hyunsuk, Yoshinori, and Jihoon. He told me about the happy and funny moments they shared together. And as I listened, I pondered in my head that Park Jihoon may not be as bad as I said.

Never would I have imagined that this rude, perverted, stone-hearted son of a rich man would pull pranks and tease his friends and laughing loud like there's no tomorrow. I want to not believe what Junkyu is saying but he is telling those stories like he really means it.

"Hey, Zaine?" Junkyu asked me after several seconds of silence from us. I turned my head to him and he glanced at me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, and I could see his ears blushing pink. "Just asking."

"No." I smirked. Its really cute when guys blush.

"Oh, okay." He chuckled. Wow, he look really happy just by that.

As soon as we reached my house I pointed at it and said, "just here."

"Your house looks really nice." He smiled as he stared at my bungalow, and I smiled knowing that my house is indeed pretty.

He switched the gear to park and I started unbuckling my seatbelt. And before I could open the door, Junkyu called my name.

"Hey, uh, can we have lunch together? On monday?" He asked, smiling at me shyly. "I-if you don't want to, its alright."

Its already Saturday, and I want to spend this time doing a lot of cleaning and doing the laundry. I am totally free on sunday, I have nothing to do but sleep and do nothing. And on monday, I don't think I will be taking a break. There is still a lot to do. But maybe if I do some of those things tomorrow then my load on monday will be lessened and I will be available to eat with this poor cutie.

"I'll think about it." I simply said before giving him a small smile. "Thank you for the ride."

He chuckled and smiled wider than earlier. I then went out of his car and watched him as he waved goodbye to me while driving away.

I already had sex with my boss so dating my colleage won't be such a big deal now. I am used to living by my own rules yet look at me now, breaking them one by one.

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