Ch 39: I'm pregnant, Jihoon

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Jihoon has been in his office all this Sunday morning and afternoon. He went out earlier too as he was trying to find ways to keep the company going... without having to marry Go Doyeon.

Why can't that bitch just stop pestering our lives? Jihoon is happy now, why does she still push herself into his heart? Doesn't she get it?

I kind of pity her hearing that she only applied as secretary at Park Industries just to flirt with Jihoon. She really is desperate. And now that I'm secretary she must have thought that there's no use in working here. Well, the only work she does here is flirting and seducing my man. She's beyond disgusting.

Jihoon hasn't come home yet and I'm getting worried. Its only been two hours, I shouldn't be that worried. But I guess my pregnancy affected my emotions as well. I feel more sensitive now that I carry a living organism inside me.

Wait, I'm hungry. I'm so fucking hungry and I felt it so suddenly. I want some fried chicken.

I stood up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen. I searched through Jihoon's large fridge and finally spotted some pieces of filleted chicken in the freezer. I took it out and placed it onto a bowl before soaking it in hot water. It would taste really delicious if I marinate these chicken but I don't really want to wait that long.

While waiting for the chicken to cook, I was about to go to the living room to turn on the TV when I suddenly felt the need to vomit. I held my mouth and my stomach as I ran towards the toilet. I knelt down and started throwing up. Pain striked through my nasal cavities and my throat and my head started hurting a little bit.

When nothing came out of me I breathed deeply, in and out, gasping for air while gripping hard on the sides of the toilet. I noticed that my hands are shaking, and I started feeling dizzy too. I feel another one forming in the pit of my stomach so I fixed my hair and throwed up again, coughing afterwards and letting out a cry.

I slumped by the wall of the restroom as I wiped the residue off the corner of my lips with the back of my hand. I feel like crying. I don't know why but I want to cry. Vomiting just feels so painful afterwards.

I don't know how long I sat here in the restroom's floor but I know I regained consciousness when I heard the echo of the stove being turned off. I perked up. Is Jihoon home?

"Sweetheart, I'm home." Jihoon's voice beamed in the area. "Where are you?"

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Shit. I haven't flushed the toilet yet. The smell of my vomit reeks. How can I hide this from him now? Jihoon can't know about this... he might abort the baby.

I stood up, holding onto the knob of the door for support and was about to flush the toilet when the door opened, making me let go of it and take steps backward.

I held my breath when Jihoon appeared right in front of me with a confused expression as he looked at me.

"Zaine, what are you doing here? Why do you look like that?" He interrogated me, then his gaze shifted to the toilet.

I breathed heavily and started fiddling with the hem of my shirt as he looked back to me. "Are you sick?"


"Don't lie."

I was speechless. I don't know what to say to Jihoon. I don't know if I should admit to him about what's happening to me. Its already been, almost, three weeks that I am pregnant. Soon enough my stomach will grow bigger and I won't be able to hide it to him anymore. So maybe I don't really have a choice but to confess.

"You think I'm not aware with what's happening between us?" He asked me. "With what's happening to you?"

I pursed my lips and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I should tell him but I don't want to because of what he will do. I'm so scared.

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