Ch 21: Arthur Jung

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I woke up to the caws of the seagulls and the bothersome tilting of the yacht. Who would not wake up from it?

After rubbing my eyes, I turned around and found Jihoon gone, my only companion in the bed being the pillows and the sheets. But even though he is not here, the smile on my face did not fade. I could still remember everything from last night. It keeps replaying in my head. Not to mention those three words he said two times last night. I haven't heard those words for a long time. And hearing it from the boy I am in love with feels different, but oddly heart-fluttering.

I sat up and pulled the sheets to cover my naked body then looked over to the curtains that are slightly opened. I could see a lot of birds flying across the beautiful sky, and the sunlight shone brightly today, making the mood even better.

I giggled and thought to myself, what a beautiful morning.

I spotted a white shirt and a pair of knee-length jeans on top of a red ottoman across the room, so I stood up and walked towards it with the comforter wrapped around my body. While putting on clothes, I searched the red themed room for the toys that Jihoon used last night but they were not anywhere here.

Realizing now that Jihoon's mansion and this yacht's interior design are similar, I am coming up to the conclusion that Jihoon's favorite color is red. If I were to buy him a gift, it must be red.

While walking out of the room, pain striked through my lower back and my thighs that I had to stop in my tracks and hold onto the door's knob for balance. Man, Jihoon did me rough last night. Very rough.

"You okay, sweetheart?" I heard Jihoon's loving voice coo so I turned around and saw him staring at me with his hands in his pockets and his back resting on the railing of the deck.

"Good morning," I greeted him, ignoring the question.

"Good morning, wobbly legs," he teased once again and walked towards me.

"Cut it out," I snapped, getting annoyed.

He placed a kiss on my lips and then giggled afterwards. "You hungry now?"

"Yeah," I admitted.

We then started eating breakfast. Jihoon was the one who cooked the sunny side ups and surprisingly, they were just right. I like the yolk of my sunny side up half cooked like most people do. The eggs were not salty or bland either. They tasted like something from a high class restaurant. I can't believe that this rude and spoiled boy can make something ordinary taste extraordinary.

While we were eating on the deck, I fixed my gaze to where we are headed; the pier. A smile crept up my lips knowing that we are about to go home.

We finished our meals and rested on the bench, his arm around my shoulder and his chin on top of my head while I rest my body on his warm chest. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the calm atmosphere of him beside me, the soft splashes of the waves, and the warm, gentle gush of the wind.

"Your hair really smells like cherries," Jihoon commented out of the blue. He started sniffing my hair which caused me to chuckle. "Why does your hair smell like cherries?"

I faced his chest and inhaled his manly musk. Maybe its the soap that he uses, or the perfume he puts on that gives that faint scent of peppermint in it. I then remembered how Junkyu would smell. Its like he puts on perfume every hour. His perfume will be the cause of my death.

"So we're sniffing each other out now?" He laughed and I looked up at him, admiring how his eyes disappear whenever he laughs. A smile crept up to my lips as I stare at him.

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