Ch 44: The one that got away

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I woke up feeling a hand stroking my hair gently and when I looked up, I was greeted by Jihoon's bright smile.

"Good morning, love," he mused. The oxygen mask is gone now and only a nasal cannula and EKG machine is left present. I smiled back at him and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I'm so happy you're awake... I'm so happy you're okay," I said, the corners of my eyes tearing again.

"Of course I'm okay." He chuckled softly. "I'm strong. You see these muscles?"

He then slowly lifted up one arm and made a gesture that indicates him being a macho man. I laughed at the silly motion and wondered how he is able to stay happy in this condition.

My eyes went down to his stomach and I frowned. "Does your wound still hurt?"

I gently lifted his hospital wear and peeked under, then I saw gauges wrapped around his waist with a few tints of red visible on the fabric. I let go of his top and gently caressed his stomach while staring at him.

"A little," he admitted.

"I'm going to stay here with you until you get better, okay?"

He nodded. "Where's the guys?"

"I don't know. The last time I was with them we were outside the emergency room. I woke up in the middle of the night then Junkyu took me here to you," I replied.

He narrowed his eyes. "Junkyu took you here?"

I nodded my head then he asked, "did he do anything to you?"

I crossed my brows in confusion until I realized what he meant. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "You're so cute. He did nothing baby, we didn't do anything."

"Good," he said, still sounding suspiscious of us which only made me laugh.

"What about Vanessa?" He asked. "Where is she? Is she okay?"

I grunted and looked away, wondering how to say the proper words to him. Knowing myself, I'm a little harsh when I talk. But how could I tell him the truth in a smooth way?

"Oh," he suddenly said, which confused me since I didn't say anything.

"I guess... you don't have to tell me anymore," he muttered and smiled sadly. "I think I know the answer to my question."

I sighed and squeezed his hand tight. "The doctors couldn't save her... I... I know I was the reason for her, d-death."

"Shh," Jihoon hushed me. "Doyeon was her murderer, not you, baby. She will answer to the court for all her sins, and she will pay for them."

Justice. I have always longed for Justice since I was a little girl. Starting from my mother's death, I was afraid yet I also seeked justice for her. And through the smallest things I want justice and fairness too. I have been self centered and selfish because of that. And until now I still wanted justice, but for my bestfriend.

However, I figured that carving all their sins in my heart never made me happy. And if I were Vanessa, I would be mad too, but I would let go of it and forgive her. I guess she came into my life to teach me to let go of the past and move forward. I should do the same. God will do the justice for me.

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