Ch 46: White flowers

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Haejin, an employee under my supervision, gasped as she took the wedding invitation I gave to her and her work-mates. I smiled at them sheepishly as she exchanged surprised looks with her friends. I can tell that they are happy with this news.

"I can't believe you are getting married, miss secretary Jung!" Haejin said, then her eyes traveled down to my belly. "Your baby bump is getting bigger too."

My eyes went down to my belly and I gently caressed it. "Yeah."

"I wonder if its a boy or a girl..." she trailed and narrowed her eyes as if thinking. "How long have you been carrying the baby, miss Jung?"

"Around five months already," I replied, not taking my eyes away from my bump. "We'll have an ultrasound next month. I'll make sure to let you guys know if its a girl or a boy."

"I hope its a girl!" The girl on the cubicle next to Haejin exclaimed.

"Me too. So that we can dress the baby up whenever you're busy!" The other girl exclaimed, then they suddenly got quiet and cleared their throats. "U-um, if its okay, of course."

I chuckled. "Of course its okay."

They smiled and exchanged looks once again, talking about what the baby would look like if it is a girl.

I turned my back on them and continued giving invitations to the other employees. If I had the same attitude as I did before, I guess I won't be happy. Now that I am not aloof and a hitler-like higher up anymore, I find myself getting along with my co-workers now.

They used to fear me whenever I walk into the room since I was notorious for being a crude woman who has anger issues, someone who has a short temper who would blow someone's head off for not doing their job properly.

Heck, I even hated everything about Jihoon from the beginning. Why did I?

I chuckled to myself as I gave more invitations. It was only now when I realized that I have been so childish before. There were a lot of things I regret doing.

But, well, I didn't regret having been drug by some pervert then losing my virginity to my soon-to-be husband. That was the main reason why I developed feelings for him. He planted the seed, then time did the rest of bringing us closer together. Along with the help of Vanessa, of course.

Now that Geonwoo and Doyeon are gone---for good---me and Jihoon's life had never felt this peaceful. Four months has passed since they were taken into custody and I know that things are going down for the both of them. I can only pity Geonwoo for making the wrong choice. He could've had a good life. Well, he could have.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a kiss on my cheek, and I immediately knew who it was. I turned my head and smiled at Jihoon who is looking at the last invitation in my hands with a wide smile too.

"Seems like everyone's excited for our wedding," he said. "Its the talk of town as I was going down here."

"They're excited about the baby too," I said.

"I hope its a boy," he said, staring at me as if teasing me.

"Sir, we will know next month, okay? Don't get too ahead of yourself." I patted his chest softly with a sly smile and we both headed out of the building with our hands intertwined.

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