Ch 13: I can't focus

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What was I thinking on that saturday? Why did I give him a chance to capture my heart? Moreover, why did I even let him... do things to me? Why do I feel so submissive whenever I am with him?

I used to be the girl who would put myself and my work first. I used to be someone who never talks to boys---except Geonwoo. But ever since I met Park Jihoon, and ever since we had that one night stand, something inside me has awaken. And I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Ah!" I screamed when I suddenly spilled the coffee on my sleeping gown.

I groaned and huffed loudly at that stupidity I just did.

"Honestly, Zaine, where is your head?" I scolded myself as I stood up.

I placed the half cup of coffee on the table and went to the kitchen to get a damp cloth to wipe off the spilled coffee on the chair and on the wooden tiled floor.

After cleaning up the mess I made I took my phone out and called Vanessa. Luckily, she picked up on the first ring.

"Good morning, bestie!" She exclaimed through the phone.

"Good morning," I greeted her back but in a blunt and nonchalant voice.

"So cranky again, huh? Did you lose your pillow then?" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that superficially angry."

"I'll just pretend that I believe you," she said, making my lips twitch. "Anyway, why'd you call?"

"Can you hurry up?" I asked as I took out the usual tight black skirt and the wrist-length suit and blouse I use for work. "I don't want to be late."

"Have we ever been late for work?" She asked and I replied, "no."

"I'll be there in less than ten minutes. I'm still doing my lashes and my eyebrows," She stated.

"Alright, hurry up." I repeated.

"I know!" She exclaimed so I ended the call immediately.

I did a quick shower and wore my clothes, and my ID of course. I put on some baby powder, the bright red matte lipstick I always use, my pink blushes, and I was done in a matter of minutes.

I took everything I need in my purse and slid on my favorite black stilettoes. The sound of it clicking on the floor always satisfies me. But when it catches the attention of a lot of people, only then that it bothers me.

As if on cue, the moment I went out of the door, Vanessa's cute sedan is waiting in front of my house. She rolled down the window and I was greeted by her infamous toothy smile.

"Hey there beautiful," she chuckled.

I grinned and locked my front door. I quickly ran to her car and hopped in the passenger seat, fastening my seatbelt before she switched the gear to drive.

As she was driving, I couldn't help but notice how feminine she looks today. Sure, she always dress nice, and she always has good fashion. But today is different. She looks extra fabulous.

"Who's the unlucky guy?" I asked her with a smirk, imitating the tone she used on me before.

"What are you talking about?" She snickered.

"Wanting to get Junkyu's attention, I see," I mused with a mischevious smile playing on my lips.

"W-what?!" She yelled.

"Oh, come on, its so obvious," I laughed. "Don't worry. You know I'm quiet."

"Do you think he already knows?" She asked in a worried voice with her lips turning into a pout. "Am I acting like a major turn off? Do you think he finds me annoying?"

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