Important Note

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Remember Arthur Jung? Hehe, I actually planned the topic about him as a teaser for the BOOK 3 or BOOK 4 of BOY SERIES. You see the protag for book 3/4 will be a detective, I am just not sure yet where will I put her, to Jae or Suk.

Yoshi will have the second book, Hyunsuk will have the third book, and Jaehyuk will have the fourth book. Although I am still not sure if I can make Jae's but I want to because I dont have a fic for him yet and I wanna appreciate him by doing so.

Anyway, about the recent chap, to come and think of it, why would nessa want to have a relationship with Jihoon? She only loves kyu so she would never do that but I am honestly surprised that you thought she and Jihoon would do "things" lol. But thank u for ur theories, it means that u are paying great attention to my fic 💖

Love lots everyone 💖

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