Ch 30: Reconciling with her

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Thank you for 15K reads and 1K votes! You guys are so amazing! I love y'all!

Btw, is it okay if I do a Horror fic for treasure before Cruel Boy? Bc i am dying to write that lol I promise it won't be long like this one


Another day at work, and the first day of being a secretary. Jihoon drove me to the building since my Prius is still in the repair shop. I have to wait for my next pay check so that I can finally get my Prius back and have it modified.

Jihoon introduced me to my new office. Its much more bigger than my office when I was still CMO. I have a lot of beautiful furnitures too and everything about the room is just beautiful.

Everyone in the building still treated me with respect, even more now that I got a higher position. But being secretary isn't fun at all. I guess the reason why Jihoon put me here is because he knows about my abilities and my limits. I do hate having a lot of work to do but its better than having it all easy.

But unlike how Jihoon treated Doyeon before, Jihoon wasn't dragging me like his little puppy. He always asked me if I can do a certain task. He always checks up on me to see if I am okay. And the best part is that he would buy me boba tea every lunch time.

Jihoon had a lot of changes too. He is the most responsible boss I have ever seen now. He would still be a snob sometimes to the employees but he doesn't treat them like rags anymore. Every time he has a schedule to go out, or every time someone messages him and calls him, he would always inform me. He always asks for permission.

But one of his changes that I loved most is that he started smiling a lot. His smile could light up the whole city, you know. There are almost eight billion smiles all over the world, yet my favorite is his.

Jihoon did change. A lot. He is not hiding anything anymore. And so I decided to place my full trust on him and give him all the love I could give him because he deserves it. Its amazing what love can do to a rude boy. Its amazing how I managed to change him.

Geonwoo always companies me now that me and... Vanessa are in a complicated relationship. Geonwoo would borrow me from Jihoon sometimes so we could eat together and have chit chats.

Vanessa on the other hand always avoids me. She doesn't even look my way. But after a week or two she would walk up to me and try to talk to me. She wants to apologize but I always gave her the cold shoulder. I want her to realize how much she pained me when I thought that they were playing with my feelings.

Maybe after another week, I'll decide to reconcile with her.

The days and weeks seemed to be getting back to normal, boring as it is. I got used to being secretary and nothing much has changed. Although whenever I remember that I am not in good terms with Vanessa, it bothers me so much. I am not used to this. I love talking to her and being with her.

A month has passed when she told me that she wanted to talk to me, alone, and have some coffee and cake, I agreed, much to Jihoon's happiness too.

Jihoon pulled the hand brake when we reached a cafe. This is where Vanessa wants to talk.

"Goodluck, baby," Jihoon told me as I took off my seatbelt.

I gave him a weird look. "Jihoon, we're just gonna talk."

"Still, goodluck," he repeated and flashed me one of his infamous killer smiles. And I am falling in love with him again.

I smiled back and went out of the passenger seat. But then he suddenly called me again. "Zaine!"

"What?" I turned around, annoyed.

"I love you." His smile widened.

"I love you more," I replied and blew him a flying kiss.

He acted like my kiss struck his heart and did a fake pained expression, clutching his chest while squirming in his seat. A motorcycle passed by and the driver looked at him weirdly, and it made me quite embarrassed.

"Stop it, you look weird!" I laughed.

"Alright, I hope you two get along now," Jihoon said before driving off.

I sighed heavily before walking into the cafe. I am expecting her to bring back the issue last month because we can't skip that if we want to fix our ties. I want to hear from her the reasons that Jihoon has told me in order for me to believe her and place my trust in her again.

I saw her easily, sitting on a two-seater table not far from here. She noticed me and gave me a small smile---an awkward one. I just sighed and walked over to her. I sat down and said, "go."

She scratched the back of her neck. "You don't have to be so cold."

"Don't I have the right to be?" I raised a brow at her, trying to look like I don't want to be here.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" She said, sounding devastated. "I... I am happy that both you and Jihoon are contented with each other that time, I was just afraid of what Doyeon might do to you since she's a little..."

"Cookoo?" I finished her sentence.

She chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh, I know someone else who's cookoo." I rolled my eyes and grinned at her. "Cookoo and coward enough to ignore me for a month."

Vanessa laughed and tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she looked away from me. I smiled a little now that she's a little less awkward.

She stood up from her seat and went in front of me, biting her bottom lip and giving me a a pitiful smile.

"Aww, come here," I cooed to Vanessa and pulled her into an embrace.

"I'm really sorry, Zaine," she sobbed, hugging me tight.

"Its okay, I understand, Nessa." We pulled away and laughed because we were getting so dramatic at this point.

"Enough." I laughed then she went back to her seat, wiping the tears off his eyes.

The waiter suddenly came to us and placed food and drinks on our table.

"Have a great day, ladies," the waiter said and gave us a cute smile. I glanced at his name tag and saw his name, Yoon Jaehyuk.

Why do I feel like I saw him before when me and Vanessa went to the mall? Nah, Korean citizens are a little hard to tell apart anyway. The waiter then left us and I stared at everything that Vanessa ordered. Its everything she and I wanted.

"You ordered for me without asking what I want?!" I asked in a fake angry tone.

"Well, I already knew you're going to order these," she replied, laughing as she started digging on her cheesecake.

"Fair enough," I said and started eating my own cheesecake too.

We stayed for an hour at the cafe, talking about everything that happened to us in the whole month that we didn't talk. Vanessa was quite surprised about Jihoon's change and told me that the way he treats her did not change at all.

I was surprised too when Nessa told me that Junkyu is starting to notice her. Maybe that's the reason why he is not pestering me anymore. Junkyu had stopped being snob and cold to her. And even though that was just a five percent progress, I could see the happiness in Nessa's eyes.

"Oh, by the way, Zaine, have you heard?" Vanessa asked me with a smile spread across her face.

I raised a brow at her. "What?"

"Go Doyeon resigned."

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