Ch 12: His kind of teasing

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I locked my eyes on a certain x spot on the tarpaulin and pulled the trigger. I then started shooting on the x spot on both the shoulders, and lastly on the head.

The sounds of shooting were muffled by the headphones I am wearing, but I could still hear faint sounds. I took it off as I was done and started reloading the pistol again.

"I never really understood why this is your hobby," uncle Charlie stated and chuckled.

Instead of replying, I kept quiet. Because I don't know what to say. I don't know the reason too as to why shooting is my hobby.

I walked to the other open cubicle where another taurpaulin is and started aiming my gun.

"You know, this is not really for ladies." Uncle chuckled awkwardly.

I shot him a glare. "Are you saying I'm not a lady?"

Uncle's eyes were wide as he shook his head and started laughing nervously while shaking his hands.

"What I'm saying is that, I think you deserve to do something... better than this, Zizi." He answered, clasping his hands behind his back.

"Don't call me Zizi," I said bitterly as I put the headphones on my ears again. "You're not dad."

I could hear him talking again and I don't want to hear it so I started shooting on the tarpaulin, getting every target I aimed at, as usual.

When I finished all the targets, I took off the headphones and looked at him in a smug manner. "What did you say again?"

He looked at me with an apalled expression and his lips slightly parted so I snickered and walked towards him.

I waved the gun at his face. "Can I have this, uncle? Its faster than what I own."

"S-sure." He replied, then cleared his throat. "Anyway, I will be opening in five minutes. And I would really appreciate if you go, so I can clean up those bullets and replace the taurpaulins."

"Thank you for the pistol." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me hesitantly.

I opened my sling bag and tucked the pistol inside along with the extra bullets that were on the counter. Then I turned my back to walk away.

"Crazy niece," I heard him whisper to himself as I walked out of his shooting range which is opening in five minutes.

I don't mind being called crazy because everyone has their own kind of crazy. And he is my uncle anyway.

Leonard Jung crossed my mind. Memories of him teaching me how to shoot when I was nine years old flashed back to me. I couldn't help but wonder if he is doing well right now, serving the country with his beloved badge.

It confuses me and makes me think if he still loves me and my mom. I think that the only time he remembers us is whenever its Christmas and its New Year.

I got surprised to see an oh-so-familiar rude boy leaning on the wall, staring at me with that smug expression and his crossed arms.

"So this is what you do during saturdays?" Park Jihoon asked and nudged his head towards the shooting range that my uncle owns.

I snickered. "Good morning, sir."

He stood straight and he started walking in the same direction I am walking too.

"Good morning." He suddenly said.

I turned my head to him with surprised eyes as a weird smile started playing in my lips. This is so unlike him. I did thought that greetings weren't in his dictionary. And so I am surprised hearing those words coming out of his mouth.

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