Ch 7: Don't cover it

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I know I am not supposed to be being sensual with my boss but I have no control with my actions right now. My body seems to have a mind of its own---pressing my chests against him and having my hands wander across his back and his bulky shoulders.

I shouldn't be doing this, I know.

but having his lips on mine awakens something in me, an unfamiliar feeling I have never felt before. I want to feel his muscular body on me. I want to feel his warmth. I want to feel his touch. I want him.

The feeling of Jihoon's soft and full lips enveloping mine had me moaning in bliss. He is my first kiss. I want to be mad by having him as my first kiss but I just can't. He's such a good kisser. His lips are enough to send tingles down the thing between my thighs.

He suddenly bit my bottom lip making me gasp, and he took that opportunity to insert his tongue in me, exploring my wet cavern. I was surprised by what he did but I can't help but move my tongue in sync with him.

Jihoon pulled away and licked my earlobe. Then he said, "jump."

(🎶 stuck with you 🎶)

I quickly complied and wrapped my legs around his waist, snaking my arms around his neck too. He bought his lips back to mine again, kissing me hungrily as I felt him walking briskly to somewhere.

I feel myself being roughly thrown on the large couch but I paid no mind to it. I stared at his handsome face in the dim light as he hovered above me, his warm breath against my face.

Oh, his breath smells so good. It smells manly, yet sweet and intoxicating like his kisses.

In this moment I am pushing my dislike for him in the back of my head. Fuck that no dating your colleage saying. What we are doing right now is beyond dating.

I don't care if he's my boss. I want him right now.

He attached his lips to mine and started unbuttoning my blouse. I did the same, hastily helping him take off his polo while I fight for dominance in our make-out session.

He pulled away from me which had me wanting more of his kisses but my eyes caught the sight of his manly structure. He is so muscular and handsome that I bet he had already a ton of girls fall for his looks and his body.

I let my hand touch his warm skin and trace his rich and fine abs. My breath hitched as I looked up at him, noticing his eyes that are filled with desire. I feel like I would drown in them.

As I was busy admiring him, I did not notice that his hand was on my back until I felt him unclasp my bra. He threw it to God knows where then he stared at my chest, his eyes seeming to be glued onto it.

I moaned and closed my eyes as soon as I felt Jihoon's hand on one of my breasts. Soon enough, his lips started grazing against my collarbone. He planted soft kisses on my skin, slowly going down to my other unattended breast. He swirled his tongue on my nipple which had my breath hitch, then he finally took it in his mouth, sucking it sensually making me moan loud.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw the wide smirk across his face as he pulled away, watching me as I gave him a look of dissatisfaction. I need more.

My wishes has soon been granted when he pulled my underwear off of me and threw it to God knows where. The cold air whipped against my exposed clit making my breath hitch.

He stared at me for a while and I feel my face growing hot. I avoided his gaze and stared at the empty fireplace across us, embarrassed to look him in his eyes. I attempted to close my legs but Jihoon placed his hands on both my knees, making me part them.

I slowly looked back at him and he smiled at me---and it was the first time I saw him smile. He held my chin and leaned towards me, looking at my eyes intently. "Don't cover it. Its beautiful."

I tried to hold back a smile but failed, being flattered by his words too much. I feel my self esteem growing by what he said. My heart seems to like it.

Jihoon leaned his face to my stomach and planted soft kisses from there down to my throbbing clit. He made eye contact with me before slowly connecting his lips with it.

"Ahh..." I moaned softly and closed my eyes. The soft kiss was soon followed by strong licks.

I gripped onto his smooth hair as I felt him licking up every corner inside me that his tongue could reach. I have never felt this kind of pleasure before and I swear it is taking me to heaven.

"More." I whispered through heavy breaths.

Forget that he's my boss, I want him licking all of me.

After several licks, his grip on my thighs tightened then he started sucking my clit, and here I am, screaming from the pleasure he is giving me.

"Ahhh~ Ahhh~!" My moans echoed in the house, and it is all I can hear aside from the sound of him sucking me.

"You taste so sweet," he said in a low seductive tone before eating me up once again.

My stomach started twisting and there is this unfamiliar feeling inside me. Something bursted out of me and I gave out a long moan while arching my back. That was by far the most pleasuring part I felt.

I feel him licking up my juices then he suddenly stood up, quickly taking his belt and his pants off. Then he hovered me once again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance while my I let my hands run along his smooth blonde hair.

I feel him pushing his length inside me then there is a sudden sharp pain so I pulled away from the kiss, groaning and closing my eyes tight.

A tear escaped from my eye but I felt a thumb wiping it off my cheek. I opened my eyes slightly to be greeted by worried ones, looking at me with confusion.

"I didn't know you're still a virgin..." he muttered. "Do you want me to pull it out?"

"No," I said quickly. "Just keep going."

He attached his lips on mine, distracting me from the pain below. He pushed himself deeper inside me and started moving his hips.

It was painful until after a minute. The pain subsided and it was replaced by immesurable pleasure. With each thrust that he made he had me moaning and writhing under him.

"Ahhh~! Ahhh~! More Jihoon~!" I moaned, digging my nails into his back while I wrap my legs on his waist.

"You're so tight..." he groaned in between his low moans.

I never imagined screaming his name in this kind of situation. I never thought I would fuck Park Jihoon but oh well, I am too drunk and too immensed in the pleasure I am in right now to think clearly.

"More~" I demanded, my toes curling as I feel him thrusting deeper inside me. Then I screamed the moment he hit a certain place.

"Ugh... you like that?" He asked in a low and husky voice. He kept hitting that spot over and over again and I swear the neighbors might hear my screams now.

"Ahhh! Park Jihoon!" I arched my back and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I continued moaning endlessly from the amount of pleasure I am recieving right now.

"Faster! Ohh~! Faster Jihoon!" I screamed and he abided, the pace of his thrusts speeding up but with the same amount of force.

I felt a familiar feeling in my stomach and just a few more strong thrusts from him, I arched my back as I exploded, my juices coming out. I moaned in pleasure and relief.

He pulled his length out of me then I felt warm liquid on my thighs. He must have came too. I kept my eyes close finding no energy left in me. My thighs are shaking and so is my whole body.

Drowsiness came upon me but before I have succumbed to my slumber, I felt a soft fabric on my thighs, wiping the liquid off me.

Maybe Park Jihoon is not so ill-mannered after all.

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