Ch 14: Slightly cute

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It has been four days since I have given time for Park Jihoon to capture my heart. Ever since then, he started smiling and greeting me. He started being kind to miss Go and to the other employees to.

One time when me, Vanessa, and Geonwoo were eating at the canteen, we saw Jihoon say to the cashier lady to keep the change. Geonwoo couldn't get over it and even suspected that mister Park must have been having a relationship right now, due to his abnormally good behavior.

I know that he is showing off and putting on this good boy show so that he could capture my heart. And honestly, I can only find it funny and a little cute. He is trying so hard to the point that it is so hilarious.

I have only finished a few tasks this day because I spent most of my time in my office scrolling down at Park Jihoon's social media account. Although he has a rotten attitude, I can't help but be interested in him.

He is a confusing person and I find interest in unraveling why he is like this. Confusing and complicated things attract me, even when it angers me most times.

All I can see in his social media account is selfies, his pictures with his friends, his cars, and a few other things. Clicking on some comments, I can see that he has a lot of fan girls.

'Oppa, you're exceptionally handsome today!'

'Oppa, you're so hot!'

'I want to lick those abs'

'Yah! Oppa is calling his car his baby!'

'How to be your car oppa?!'

'Oppa! How to be your spoon?!'

I rolled my eyes and scrolled down deeper, ignoring the eye catching comments of his followers.

I don't know why it irritates me. I feel like I want to shove my gun down their throats. Thinking of it satisfies me somehow.

If only they know how irreponsible he is being our CEO. But these days, I have to admit, he is doing a great improvement in being a responsible runner of the company.

I saw another thirsty comment on one of Jihoon's post and I groaned, rolling my eyes. "He's not that hot."

I roughly closed my laptop and rested my chin on my palm while shooting lasers at the black cabinets in front of me.

I bet that horny, perverted CEO enjoys those thirst comments so much. How those itchy girls are swarming around him like a bunch of bees.

Something bothered me slightly so I sat down properly, slowly opening my laptop once more and horror struck me as soon as I saw that there's another large crack on my screen.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as I panicked.

I tried using the touchpad so the screen would light up but it didn't. I started pressing a few keys too but it still won't open. So I tried pressing on the power button, but it didn't work!

"Holy shit," I cursed again with heavy breaths, panic brewing in me.

This can't be happening. I am glad thay my laptop was still working after Jihoon broke it last time, but now that it is even more broken, there's a high chance that this screwed piece of crap is going to leave me now.

I pressed it again and again until the power button sunk in and I couldn't press it anymore!

I stood up and pulled on my hair, realizing that my laptop is officially broken. Legit broken.

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