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"Look what I found." Veronica said as she had been with Roxanne in the basement to grab some stuff she needed for Hogwarts. Ronnie showed Sammy a piece of candy and when dad saw it, he gasped slightly. He lifted her up onto the table and took the candy from her hand.

"Sweetheart, we've had this conversation before. If it's on daddy's work desk, don't touch it. I know it looks like candy and you want to eat it but your mum would kill me if you turned green like a toad for the day."

Sammy and I both snickered in response to that. We were currently eating breakfast. I still hadn't packed. Mum was going to be furious if she found out. We had to be at Kings Cross station at eleven o'clock and it was currently eight.

"Daddy?" Veronica asked. "Do you need help with some ideas?"

"I would love to hear your ideas if you have some." He replied and lifted her off the table before pushing the piece of candy into his pocket.

"What if you made a candy that could turn me into a princess?"

"What do you mean turn into a princess?" Dad frowned. "I thought you were one already. Ronnie, don't tell me you've been tricking me this whole time!"

"I'm not a princess!" Ronnie laughed as she ran back to her seat.

Dad pulled out a chair and spun it around before he sat down, folding his arms on the table.

"Has everyone packed for today? Fred? Roxi? Twins? Bryson?"

"I'm almost finished." Fred explained. "I'm waiting for my jumper to dry."

"Alright, Roxanne?" Dad asked and looked at my older sister who was busy staring out of the window. She just hummed in response and dad then looked at Sammy and I.

"She hasn't even made her bed."

I looked at Sammy as he spoke. He was pointing a thumb at me. "Snitch."

"You haven't made your bed?" Dad asked me. "You know, Vivi. Something I have learned while being with your mother for so many years is that she goes absolutely insane if the beds aren't made. You better get up there and make it."

I groaned but when he raised his eyebrows and sent me the I'm-being-serious look, I decided I should probably just do what he told me.

"You always make me out to be a monster." My mother said as she walked in from the bathroom. "I don't go insane. Though, I would appreciate it if you made your bed, Genevieve."

"I'm on my way." I ran up the stairs. I had to find some new sheets since dad decided to wake me up by pouring water on me.

While I was up here, it would only make sense if I just packed now, so that's why I did. I packed my biggest trunk with everything I need and then packed stuff that I'd need during the ride into a backpack. I remembered to pack my pajamas as well and then at last, I made my way neatly which was how my mum liked it to be.

As I closed my trunk, my eyes flicked to the picture frame that was laying under the bed. I pushed the trunk away and got down on my stomach, reaching for the frame. When I got it, I rolled onto my back and looked at it.

It was me with Simon and it was a one of those moving photographs. He had his arm around my neck and we both posed, trying to be cool, then there was a sharp light as the camera took the picture and then we burst out laughing.

I liked that memory. Though we aren't as closed as we used to. Simon is my mum's best friends son. We call her aunt Kathy. Her son is Simon. He's actually the middle child. See, his parents only have three children, half of what my own parents got.

Simon and I used to be pretty close. He had always been very overprotective of me which probably had something to do with him being two years older. I just turned fifteen and he turned seventeen on January 30th. This is going to be his last year at Hogwarts while it's only my fifth. I used to like him, like... more than friends but then something happened and we stopped hanging out as much.

I do have a boyfriend now. We've only been together since February but I guess it's going well. I mean, he can get pretty angry. He's got a temper but he likes me...

Mum and dad has no idea that I'm dating. Dad would not be accepting at all and I don't know about mum. Not even my siblings know.

We tend to keep it a secret at school. Mostly because of him. He doesn't want people to know.

His name is Lucas Parkinson but I call him Luke. He prefers to be called Luke. Actually he gets really angry and aggressive if anyone calls him Lucas.

It's fine. He's nice to me sometimes and I really like him so it's worth it. I think that was when Simon and I stopped hanging out.

Did I drop him?

I barely remember what happened. Actually, I don't really remember it. Just that I started seeing Luke in private and... Christ. I forgot about Simon.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now