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"You should have seen Verity's face." Sammy explained to Emery. "She was so embarrassed and mum was so pissed."

"Where were you even calling her out like that?" Emery asked me. "Poor woman."

"Poor woman? She has baked on my dad for twenty years and she doesn't care whether my mum is here or if any of their goddamn children are there."

"She must have a bored life." Sammy said. "Spending twenty years dreaming about someone you know is unavailable. I'm pretty sure her chance of having children is over."

"She's still in her thirties, isn't she?" Emery asked. "She could still."

"Never going to happen." I sighed. "Not with her obsession of dad."

Emery understands the thing with big families. She herself have four siblings so that's only one less than what I have. Her full name is Emery Monroe Nyree Williamson and she's the daughter of Danny and Elaine Williamson.

Emery is fifteen just like me, though she has an older brother Finley who's nineteen, a younger brother Sawyer who's eight, a younger sister Rowan who's fourteen and a younger sister Quinn who's nine.

Sammy and I met Emery when we started Hogwarts four years ago. All three of us got sorted into Gryffindor like our parents and Sammy and I met her at the table. I remember shaking her hand and saying my full name, even my middle name. I didn't look stupid though, because she said her full name as well.

We left the platform just a few minutes ago so we still had loads of hours left. I usually slept during most of the ride. The only thing not boring was if we could make ourselves laugh or when I ate something. I really liked to eat.

"Sammy?" Emery smiled sweetly, leaning forwards. She placed her elbows on her knees and held her head up by her hands. "How's it going with the Ravenclaw girl? Have you been writing over the summer?"

"What Ravenclaw girl?" I asked and looked at my brother. "What Ravenclaw girl, Sammy?"

"Wait? You didn't know?" Emery asked before she wasted his arm.

"Hey!" He argued. "That hurt."

"Oh poor baby." She pouted. "You promised me you'd tell her about Vanessa."

"Vanessa? Who the frick is Vanessa?"

"She's a girl who—"

"Wait. Are you talking about Vanessa Johnson? Daughter of Angelina Johnson? The same Angelina that dad liked in his second year?"

"Yes. That Vanessa."

"And you're dating her?"

"No!" He exclaimed. "Not dating. We've been talking in secret and we've been writing a tad during the summer but we couldn't write that much because mum and dad are not allowed to know."

"Ahh, their strict no-dating rule." Emery nodded. "That really sucks. I'm allowed to date whoever I want."

"Good for you." Sammy rolled his eyes and she swatted his arm again. "Can you please stop doing that?!"

"Our parents don't believe fifteen-year-olds should date." I informed Emery.

"Didn't they start dating at that age?"

"They did." I told her as I nodded. "Twenty-three years and still going strong."

"Damn." She leaned back in her seat. "My parents got divorced after eleven years. A few months after Sawyer was born."

"At least you won't have to listen to them fight. Aren't you happy about that?" Sammy asked.

"I never said I was sad that they had divorced." She shrugged. "It was a living hell back when they were married.

They both looked at me as I pulled myself up to stand. "Gotta go pee. I'll be back."

I pushed the door open and made my way out before letting it slide closed behind me. I walked down towards the toilet but as I came out to the small space between cars, the train turned and I lost my balance. I ended up stumbling towards the wall. My body hit someone else and that person was then quick to grab my arm and roughly push me against the wall. I whimpered in pain and my eyes automatically closed.

"Oh, Vivi."

As I recognized the voice, I opened my eyes and stared right into some dark brown ones. Luke. A cigarette was hanging loosely from his lips and when I lifted my hand to take it from him, he grabbed my wrist harshly, a whimper leaving my mouth.

"You can't smoke in here." I said. Oh crap. My voice sounded small and fragile. Normally I wasn't this weak around him but I hadn't seen him all summer.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" He asked, barely moving his lips so that the cigarette wouldn't fall to the floor. He let go of my wrist and placed a hand on the wall next to my head before he grabbed the cigarette between his thumb and index finger on the other hand.

He kept his eyes locked with mine as he pressed the lit end of the cigarette to the wall on the other side of my head.

"Have you though about my offer, baby?"

"I uh—"

"I uh." He mocked before he snapped at me. "Speak Vivi. We've been over this. You're not five years old. You should be able to have a normal fucking conversation."

He banged his hand against the wall and I flinched.

"I'm not ready." I answered him and looked away to avoid his eyes. He wanted sex. He had wanted it since earlier this year but I had rejected him because I didn't feel like I was ready to lose my virginity. Though he had kept pressing on about it.

"Are you sure?" He asked in a taunting voice, throwing his cigarette out of the small window that was half open next us. He then used that hand, to cup my jaw gently, a thumb pulling down on my bottom lip to separate it from the other one. His fingers smelled like smoke. I hated that. He leaned in close, lips nearly touching my ear lobe. "I can make you feel so good."

"Is that all you want from me?" I asked. I tried pushing him away but he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them against the wall. "Sex?"

"Of course not." He laughed, eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips. "You know I love you baby, right?"

I nodded slightly and his smile grew a little. He tilted his head and leaned in, kissing me so softly, so faint that it could barely be felt.

"Now..." he whispered, slowly pulling away again, opening his eyes to look at me as I opened mine. "Go back to your little brother and your friend and think about my offer again."

I gotta tell you, Luke is not someone you will end up liking.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now