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"You wanted to see me?" I asked and looked at my uncle who sat behind his desk. After professor McGonagall became the headmistress of Hogwarts after the war ended and Percy then started his job, he got asked to be the head of Gryffindor.

"Yes, Genevieve." he nodded and motioned towards the chair across from his desk. I closed the door behind me and as I slid into the chair, I let my bag fall to the floor. "Well, it's your fifth year and usually this is the time for the students to start thinking of their future."

"Oh." I sighed. I hated that topic. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life but I also knew it was a long shot. Being a singer takes a lot. You have to have an unique voice that people won't get tired of hearing, plus you need to be able to put on a show and be confident enough in yourself to perform in front of other people and that's definitely not me. I'm so scared of being in the spotlight that I can't even sing in front of my family.

"Have you got any ideas of what careers you would like to pursue?" Uncle Percy asked. "I know you like to write. Would you want to go in that direction?"

"I honestly don't know." I shrugged, playing with my fingers. "Don't you think it's odd?"

"What's odd?"

"That you have to start thinking about it when you're only fifteen." I said. "I mean. It's a decision that will make an impact on the rest of my life and I really don't know what I want to do."

"See." he breathed. "I think you're wrong about that. You know what you wand, Vivi. You're just scared that it won't happen."

"What do you mean?"

"You want to sing, right?" he asked and my eyes widened. I completely forgot. Uncle Percy once walked in on me as I was practicing a song I had written.

"It's my dream." I said and nervously looked down at my hands. "Though I don't see how that's going to happen."

"I have to say, Vivi that you do have a great voice." he told me. "Yet it would be smart of you to have a backup plan to make sure you have something to earn money by. Maybe you want to go in the same direction as your mother? You definitely have the grades for that. Maybe you want to work in your fathers shop, I'm sure he'd hire you... or maybe you'll try working for the ministry. They have loads of positions."

I nodded slightly and looked at him for a second before I looked out of the window. "You like animals. Maybe you should try considering being a Magizoologist like Newt Scamander. Do you know who that is?"

"We learned about him in History of Magic during our second year." I nodded. "When do I have to give a reply to this career thing?"

"You have all year." he assured me. "When you start your sixth year, you no longer have mandatory classes. You'll have your own schedule based on the career you're searching for."

"Okay." I muttered. "Was that all?"

"I guess it was." he replied and I gave him a short nod as I stood up. When I opened the door, I was stopped by his voice. "Genevieve?"

I looked back at him.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Why?"

"You just seem different from this summer."

"I'm fine." I assured him before I walked out of his office and closed the door behind me. Emery should be finished with her class so she'd be in the common room and I wanted to spend some time with her. Maybe she could cheer me up after what happened in the library.

When I got to the common room, she was in fact there but she was chatting with Simon on the sofa. When I first saw it, I froze, not knowing if I should approach but I ended up doing so anyway. I leaned over the back of the sofa and hugged Emery tightly.

"Hey!" she greeted. "Where've you been spending your free lesson?"

"I've been studying with Fred." I told her before I walked over to sit down in a chair while I let my bag wall to the floor. "We were in the library. He was helping with the homework for muggle studies. Well, he tried to. Luke interrupted, the two of them argued and then my uncle Percy wanted to see me in his office."

"Wait." Simon said, eyes locked on me. "Why did Luke interrupt?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Emery asked him in which he slowly shook his head. "Her and Luke are... involved."

"Involved?" Simon was still looking at me. "You're dating Lucas Parkinson?"

"Yes." I said flatly. "And it's going great by the way, though everyone has been judging since we went public about it."

"That's because he treated his last girlfriend like shit." Emery said. "He cheated on her all the time and he–"

"Don't!" I interrupted her. "I know what you're gonna say but he doesn't hit his girlfriends and he hasn't hit me."

Emery frowned as her eyes focused on me. "I wasn't going to say that..."

Poor Vivi ;((

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