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I told mum and dad everything. From the first time he raped me, to the last time when he also almost killed me.

I even had a number on the times he forced me to have sex. I don't know why I know it, I guess I held count.

Twenty-nine times in four months...

I'd been at the hospital for a few days and in those days, my entire family had visited me. Not at the same time but little after little. I didn't know what to feel about everyone knowing what had happened. I couldn't help but feel like some of them found me stupid for not having left Luke when he first started hitting me and raping me.

Madam Blackwood said I should be able to go home tomorrow. It was the thirtieth of December so tomorrow was the last day of the year and I was honestly happy that I was able to be home on New Years.

Sound of footsteps appeared in the room and I looked up from my songbook to find Sammy walking towards me with something in his hand. Looked like a piece of paper.

His face was pretty messed up. Bruised a few places with a cut across the bridge of his nose. He had fought Luke on the night everything happened. Dad took me to the hospital but he stayed with uncle Fred and my brother Fred.

"How're you feeling?" He asked with a smile. "Probably better now that I'm here, am I right?"

I laughed softly, waiting for him to tell me what he had on his mind. He had that look on his face that we both had when we wanted to say something.

"What's that?" I pointed at the paper in his hand with my pen.

"Oh, this?" He placed it on top of my book and my eyes landed on it.

The photograph of Simon and I. His arm around my neck, us trying to act cool, then breaking into laughter once the flash had appeared and the photo had been taken.

"Wha— how'd you... what?" I grabbed the photo in my hand and ran a few fingers over Simon's face. "He ripped it into pieces."

"I uh— the night of the... y'know. When mum had arrested Luke, I ran up to where I saw the ripped photo and I gathered all the pieces. Uncle Percy actually helped me learn the spell to repair it."

"You—" I was literally speechless. I loved that photo so much and my heart broke when Luke had ripped it apart. "Thank you."

"Well, what you won't do for your little sister—"

"I'm older than you." I commented, making him groan slightly.

"By like... six minutes or so. Honestly, who keeps count?"

I couldn't stop staring at the moving photo in my hands. I had seen Luke rip it into so many pieces and now it was here because my fucking amazing twin brother fixed it.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, you've said that." he smiled as he got onto the bed to sit opposite of me in the same position as me, with legs folded in the tailor position.

"Thank you." I said for the third time and looked at him. "Really. It might only be words but this photo was really important to me so I really am thankful that you fixed it."

"Aww, Vivi. Gonna make me cry." he pouted. "I know the photo means a lot. You don't have to tell me that. You've got it hidden, hates when people look at it and brings it with you to school every year."

"I do." I nodded. "You know... Luke found it in my bag."

I glanced up at Sammy to see his brows together in a frown as he watched me with seriousness and concentration.

"He's why I stopped seeing Simon the way I used to." I explained. "Luke didn't want me talking to guys I weren't related to. He got awfully jealous and he became violent if he did see me talking to Moe."

I placed a hand on my throat, remembering how he had grabbed me by it and dug his nails into my skin. "I told him the truth when he asked me why I had brought it. I simply did forget it was in my bag. I would've taken it out if I knew. I would never risk him seeing it."

"Was that when everything started that night?" Sammy asked. "When he almost killed you?"

I gulped but nodded.

"He accused me of lying. Of having cheated on him with Simon so he... he smashed the picture frame, ripped the picture and then he crashed my head into the mirror."

"Og Jesus."

"And he... he dragged me across the floor after I'd laid there for a couple minutes maybe." I said. "He uh... he cut my arm with a piece of the broken glass from the frame."

"Have you told mum and dad about it?" he asked. "Told them what he did?"

"I have." I nodded. "I just– it keeps replaying in my head, Sammy. Him cutting my arm and him beating me. He kept punching me and punching me. I thought he was going to kill me. I actually thought I was going to die and all I could think about was you guys. You Freddie, Roxi, Ronnie and Bry. Mum and dad. All I could think about was wanting to be home, was that you probably lost a sister, that they lost a daughter and that it was my fault. I was the reason for you having to plan a funeral."

As I silently started crying, Sammy moved closer and gently grabbed the picture from my hand, placing it down before he took my hands in his.

"I don't want to hear you talk like that, okay?" he asked, ducking his head to meet my gaze. "I know he did a big fucking trick on your mind but none of that was your fault. That is all on him and he will pay for it with time in Azkaban."

"I know."

"Would it be okay if I hugged you?" he asked, opening his arms. "I really want to hug you but if it makes uncomfortable..."

I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his back, feeling him wrap his around my shoulders in response.

"I love you, Vivi." he told me. "You know that, right? I don't know specifically what he told you but you are beautiful and you don't need to change for anyone."

"I don't like who I am anymore." I whispered into his shoulder. "I just want to go back to before. Before he talked to me and before I let him in."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now