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"How does it feel to be back?" Sammy asked as we sat down in our seats for muggle studies. "Is it odd? I bet it's odd."

"It's great." I told him. "I've missed school."

I really had. I got here yesterday and my first class is muggle studies with my uncle Bash. Sebastian was next to me and Victoire, our cousin was sitting behind behind us with one of her friends.

"You are odd." Sammy told me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Who likes school?"

"Me." I said and looked at him. "Which is why I should have that prefect badge because I'm the one who likes school and cares about the rules."

"Ahh." he nodded. "You still on about that?"

"I am still on about that." I assured him. "Hopefully I'll be picked as head girl when it's time for that."

"That's in like... a year and a half."

I went to say something when the door to class opened and heavy steps approached. When I turned in my seat, I saw Uncle Bash make his way all the way up to the front of class where he practically slammed his books down on the desk, then turned around and leaned back against it with his hands.

"We have a field trip coming up." he started off. "And I have a date for you all and a permission slip that you need signed by your parent or your guardian."

I had almost forgot about the field trip. That was one of the things I had been the most excited about in my fifth year but then all of this shit happened with Luke.

Uncle Bash moved a book from the pile he had put on his table, then grabbed a bunch of papers and started handing them out to the students in class. "On May twenty-sixth, we will be visiting and watching a movie in the cinema that is located in Inverness."

He reached our table, placed one down in front of Sammy, then in front of me but instead of moving, he placed a hand down flat on my permission slip, causing me to look up at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a whisper so the entire class wouldn't hear him. I nodded slightly and he offered me a smile. "It's good to have you back."

He continued around the class and I grabbed the permission slip in my hand, taking a look at it. Either I had to sent it home with mail so mum and dad could sign, or I could just take it home with me for easter. That seemed easier. That way I could also be sure that it actually reached home and didn't get lost. Not that Donut gets lost. She's actually never gotten lost when delivering mail for me or delivering mail to me.

"Today we will be continuing the subject; learning how a movie work." Uncle Bash said when he got back to the front of the class and put down the rest of the permission slips. "Last time I talked about film-making. The stages of film-making. Can anyone sum up the five stages of production?"

A few hands went into the air, though mine stayed down. I did not feel like having all eyes on me like I already experienced in the hallways. Everything was different now. I used to not care about the attention. I mean, I was on the quidditch team, but now after everything that happened and how insecure I now am, I get uncomfortable when more than a few people look at me. Even if it's my parents and all my siblings at once. It's super super uncomfortable.

"Yes, Miss Weasley." Uncle Bash said and for a second, my heart stopped but then I realised he was talking about my cousin behind me. Uncle Bill's daughter. Victoire.

"The first stage is Development. That's when the ideas for the movie is being created and the screenplay is written. Then there's pre-production, they're preparing to shoot the movie, making sure they have everything, making sure everything its as planned. Production comes next which is when they shoot the movie. Next comes post-production when the images, sounds and visual effects are being edited and combined with the footage. Lastly, there's distribution. The movie is finished, it's being distributed, marketed and shown in cinemas."

Right. I totally haven't been in school for a while. I've got my homework home but that.. that I didn't know.

"Thank you Miss Weasley." Uncle Bash nodded. "Now, today I want us to get more into the last stage. Distribution. I'll go into detail, you're going to listen. I'll read something from a biography about movie production and then I want you to work in groups on an essay."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now