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I stated on my profile that the next update would be tomorrow but I can't let you all suffer all the way until then so this will be the last chapter of today and I hope you enjoy it.

- Julie


Lizzie's P.O.V

I don't know how long I sat in the grass for. How long I sat with my deceased husband in my arms. I had been rocking him from side to side, humming our melody. The melody we danced to in the astronomy tower. The melody we could hear very faintly from the Great Hall on the night of the Yule Ball. It was our melody. It played at the wedding and now I was humming it to him so that his soul could leave in peace. So that he could be happy.

Suddenly the body in my arms jolted upwards with a loud gasp for air. My mind went wide and I started crying again when I saw that George was moving, looking around in confusion. His eyes landed on me and the first thing he did was cup my face and kiss me.

"What." I cried hysterically when he pulled away again. "I thought you were. I don't understand. He used the– what?"

"I don't know." he whispered, shaking his head as he was panting heavily. "I don't know what's going– I'm.. I feel fine."

He patted his chest and then he froze. He reached into his shirt and pulled out the necklace he was wearing. We both looked at it. The string that had sat around his neck wasn't touched but the metal pendant was fractures.

Our children had given him that necklace on Father's Day a few years ago. Had all their names and birthdays engraved in it. It was shattered into six pieces that all hung from the string and they were shattered between each child's name, dividing them.

"The curse must've–" George shook his head and looked at me. "It must've hit the necklace. Only an object and an action of love can fight the curse."

"It–" I took a deep breath, wrapping my arm around his neck while I placed my forehead against his. "...It hit the necklace that was made with love from our children."

"They saved my life." he whispered, wrapping both his arms around me before hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm so sorry darling."

My other arm went around him as well, pulling him closer. That was the worst moment in my life and this was the best. Knowing that my husband wasn't dead. He was here and he was alive. He was in my arms.

"Ronnie." he spoke and pulled away. "Fuck! That fucking bastard have our daughters!"

Once again, I cried. The realisation of it hit me. Everything was happening right now and it was happening so fast. I wanted to say I hated my life because I did hate most of it but I had an amazing family and right now was about saving them.

I lost my father when I was two, then my brother left when I was nine. Years went by and I was happy with my friends. Then we thought we lost Ginny when the attacks started happening at Hogwarts. Ginny was my friends little sister and she was also like a sister to me so thinking she was dead. Thankfully she wasn't and Harry saved her. Then we thought a murder had escaped and he got into Hogwarts. Turned out he wasn't guilty. Then Cedric Diggory died and even though I wasn't friends with him, I had talked to him quite a few times through my school years to that was tough. I was tortured by a teacher along with a lot of other student. Both mentally and physically and she even got put in Azkaban because a few of her students had died due to their injuries. Then I was kidnapped and discovered that my dad who I thought was dead, who I saw as a hero, was in fact very much alive, changed his name to Jonathan Ibex and was a death eater who had worked closely together with Lord Voldemort himself.

Then a good thing happened. I married my soul mate. My best friend. My one and only. We got married and we had a wonderful time in Paris for our honeymoon.

We got back and we had some great months until my father starting harassing me again. He killed my mother, my best friend got pregnant, so did I but I miscarried while still grieving my mum. My best friend gave birth and I was happy but sad that I wasn't gonna give birth to my daughter. Then I left after being in hiding for months and I almost ruined everything good I had with George. I did something selfish that almost costed my marriage and that's something I still regret to this day. The war happened...

We lost people. We lost Lupin, Tonks and most importantly, we lost Fred and we lost Benjamin. Then I got the chance to kill my father and I didn't fucking hesitate. I thought I killed him.. apparently not.

I got pregnant about six months after the war. It hadn't been passionate sex. No, it had been angry sex because we were both angry about the war, angry because we lost people and angry at each other because we were slipping away from one another. I got pregnant and nine months later we welcomed our first son whom we named after each of our brothers.

Five years later I almost died from suicide but I didn't because George saved me. Then after spending time in the psych ward, we could start getting a happy life and suddenly eighteen years after his death, Fred woke up. I remember hoping that Benjamin had woken up as well but he didn't and he's still gone.

Then our fifteen-year-old daughter was almost killed by her boyfriend who raped and abused her and George and I both felt like we failed her as her parents. Finally he went to Azkaban and we got hope for the future but he escaped and Vivi got kidnapped. The aurors, my co-workers kept searching and searching for both of them.

Suddenly my father's face showed up at the Burrow and grabbed my younger daughter while casting the killing curse on my husband. Never in a million years did I expect to see him after I cut him open with a knife.

"What are you two doing on the ground?" it came from Bill as he and Charlie showed up. "Get up. You need to know something."

"What?" George immediately asked. "Are they missing?"

I looked at George, holding onto him. I couldn't let go of him. Not after what had just happened.

"How'd you know?" Charlie asked. "All four of them are gone. No one's seen them and it was like they were taken out of their beds or something."

"Adrian is not dead." I said as George helped me up from the ground while helping himself too. "He was here. Took Ronnie."

"And tried to kill me." George added. "I was hit with the killing curse."

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