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"Can anyone sum up from last week?" Aunt Deanne asked as she leaned against her desk in the potions classroom. "What potion we were talking about, what it is, what it does, what it's build on... anyone?"

She looked around the classroom and no one had their hands raised. "I will pick someone then."

She looked around again and ended up pointing at Emery. "Miss Williamson."

"Oh crap." Emery muttered under her breath. "I'm sorry Ms Ravens but I don't remember."

Aunt Deanne sighed but nodded and gestured for Emery to sit back down.

"How about you, Miss Weasley?" Aunt Deanne looked at me. "I know you usually do your homework. Can you sum up what we talked about last time?"

"Uh— we started the topic of Draught of Peace." I said. "It's a potion that relieves anxiety."

"I could use some of that right now." Emery muttered.

"It takes about ninety minutes to brew." I explained. "It's made with five ingredients. Powdered moonstone, Syrup of Hellebore, Powdered unicorn horn, Powdered Porcupine quills and Valerian root."

"That's right." She nodded. "And can you tell me what happens if you accidentally put too much of the ingredients?"

"It may result in a long or irreversible sleep."

"Which is why it shouldn't be made by students to drink. You are going to brew it for the purpose of class but I will be very upset if I see anyone try and drink theirs." She said. "Pair up in twos and find the recipe on page thirty-six. We will be making it for today's lesson."

Emery scooted closer to me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Nuh-uh!" Sammy protested. "I need good grades so I'll be pairing up with my sister thank you very much."

Emery scoffed at him. "Why don't we let Vivi decide then?"

"Alright." Sammy agreed and they both looked at me. "Vivi, dear sister. Remember how we shared a womb?"

"Oi!" Emery got up and hit him with a book. "Stop sucking up to her!"

"Williamson." My aunt called. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing Ms Ravens. My apologies." Emery said as she hurried to sit back down.

"It doesn't look like you've found any partners." My aunt commented. "Williamson you can go pair up with Vanessa over there."

She pointed at one of the other tables and Emery's eyes widened before looking at Sammy.

"Your girlfriend?" She whispered.

"She's not my girlfriend you twat." Sammy replied and Emery rolled her eyes before pulling herself up.

"Please let him fail, Vivi."

"Not going to happen." I laughed. "I need the grades. If he fails, so do I."

"Yeah." Sammy agreed. "That's kinda the whole point with group work."

Emery responded by sticking her tongue out at him and flipping him off. Then she put on a smile as she approached Vanessa. Oh, she was definitely gonna be questioning her about her "relationship" to Sammy.

"Can you get the ingredients?" my twin brother asked me. "I'm lazy."

I watched him for a moment, considering it. "If I get the ingredients, you get the cauldron."

"Fine." He groaned. "That's a deal."

We both individually got up and while Sammy went to get a cauldron, I walked to the shelves full of ingredients. I found them quickly as potions was one of my favourite subjects so I had memorised where everything was. I could only grab two jars at a time so I ended up walking three times while Sammy found the recipe in his book.

"This is the last we'll need." I said when I sat down and placed the jar of powdered unicorn horn with the other four jars. "Have you found the recipe?"

"I can't seem to find it. The pages are all sticky."

"Ew." my face scrunched up when I saw that he was right. "I've told you so many times to not eat candy while you sit with your books. That's why they get sticky."

"Wha– what is so wrong about wanting a snack during studying?"

"You shouldn't even eat in the library." I said and pulled my own book out of my bag. "It's not allowed. You're supposed to be a prefect, shouldn't you be following the rules?"

He shushed me and pressed a finger to his lips as he grinned cockily. I rolled my eyes but I still couldn't help but smile. He was my brother and we shared a womb so we do have a special bond and even though I find him annoying, I love him more than anything.

"Are you secretly hoping they'll take the badge from me and pass it over to you?" he asked and moved closer so he could look in my book as I scrolled through it to find the page.

"Kinda, yeah." I chuckled. "Though I am a little sorry that I freaked out so much when you got it."

"Oh really?" he raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at me. "Only a little?"

"Only a little."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now