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Classes started today. September 2nd. It was Friday so we had one day before the weekend. I had a free lesson at first but then I had care of magical creatures times two, then lunch, then flying times two and then Defense Against the Dark arts before dinner. It was going to be a busy day but I liked school so I didn't mind.

Busy days also meant a better chance of avoiding Luke. Not that I'd normally avoid him on purpose. Only when he asks me stuff like this. When he won't take no for an answer. I didn't know his schedule though, only that we could under no circumstance have classes together. He's in seventh year and I'm in fifth.

Donut was currently sleeping in her cage on the small dresser next to my bed. She was adorable. Sometimes when I was bored I would just admire her. Having a pet is awesome. You have a friend you can talk to who can't talk back. Donut is my friend and she always listens, she even knows when I'm sad 'cause when I am, she usually flies over to me, sits on my shoulder while she rubs her head against mine.

"Earth to Vivi." Emery elbowed me in the side to get my attention. "You there?"

"Yeah, you seem off." Sammy said. "What? Missing mum and dad?"

"No. I'm just tired." I lied. "Donut kept me up all night."

"Really?" Emery asked. "I'm a quite light sleeper and I didn't hear a noise coming from her cage."

I didn't say anything. It obviously wasn't Donut who had kept me awake. It was Luke and all my thoughts about his question. I knew I had to stand up to him, tell him he had to take no for an answer. He couldn't pressure me into having sex when I wasn't ready. Though I like him so maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have sex with him? I didn't know. The thought of it confused me.

"Do you want some cheering up?" Emery asked. "You're obviously not just tired. Donut was asleep so why couldn't you sleep?"

"I don't know." I sighed as we turned a corner, almost crashing into uncle Sebastian. He looked up from the teachers curriculum book and slammed it closed as his eyes landed on us.

"Aren't you three supposed to be in class?" he asked. "At least two of you have to be in divination and as far as I know, that's in the other end of the castle."

"We uh... we were just on our way." Emery said, grabbing Sammy's arm before pulling him with her and I kept my eyes on them until they disappeared. Emery finds my uncle scary. She's always nervous around him, say's he's worse than McGonagall. I quite like McGonagall.

"Walk with me." Sebastian said. "I'm actually on my way to your class. Assisting Hagrid for the day."

I turned around and walked alongside my uncle on our way outside of the castle. "You were walking the opposite way... why?"

"I was walking them to class." I said. "Hagrid's usually chill about students being a little late but Professor Binns... is not."

"Ahh." he nodded. "Since when do you not care about being late?"

"Oh, I do care. Just not when it comes to care of magical creatures." I said before sighing. "That is probably a stupid thing to say to one of the teachers."

"It's even stupider to tell your uncle. Especially when your mother is very strict about you kids doing your schoolwork without skipping or being late for class."

"Yeah well, mum's not here and we both know you're not gonna tell on me 'cause I'm your favourite niece."

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry, I thought I heard Roxanne." he joked, causing me to roll my eyes. "Now, would you like to tell me what's bothering you?"

"What do you mean?" I licked my lips, tightening the grip around my backpack. Uncle Bash glanced at me before he looked straight ahead again.

"I'm not stupid. I saw you grow up. I can tell when you're not yourself." he said. "I started noticing it around February and I meant to talk to you but then summer came and the happy Vivi came back. It's your first day of your fifth year and you're already back to being sad so what's going on? A boy, perhaps?"

My head immediately snapped to the side and I looked at him with wide eyes and surprise. How did he figure it out so quickly?

"So it is a boy." he said as he saw how I looked at him. "Don't underestimate me, Genevieve Blakely. When I was your age I experienced boy problems too. The only difference was that my mum actually allowed me to date at fifteen."

"Fuck." I cursed. "Please don't tell mum."

"Who's the boy?"

"Does it matter?"

"Do you want me to tell your mum? Or even better... your dad?"

"Oh god please don't!" I begged. "I will do anything. I'll help you grade essays for a month... no, the entire year!"

"I'm not gonna force you to grade essays." he assured me as we reached the chill air outside. "Tell me who the boy is and I won't tell your parents."

I sighed and looked down at the ground, biting my lip. "It's Luke Parkinson."

When Uncle Bash heard my words, he stopped in his tracks and when I looked at him, he looked straight at me. "Lucas Parkinson?"


"Vivi, that boy is seventeen. You're fifteen."


"So, he's of age and you're not." he explained to me. "Also, I don't like him. He's such a troublemaker in my class. The type I hated when I was in school."

"Mum told me you were the type everyone hated."

"Well, I was." he shrugged and started walking again. "But believe it or not, some people were so horrible that even I hated them and trust me, Lucas Parkinson is not worth of your attention."

"Well, I like him." I said. "He's nice to me and if you tell mum, I'll just tell her that you didn't come back because of her back then."

"What?" he stopped walking again. "Who said that?"

"I heard you talk to uncle Emmett last summer. You talked memories and you said mum would kill you if she found out you didn't come back for her and only so you could get the job as the muggle studies professor."

"Do not tell your mother that." he pointed a finger at me. "I was a selfish bastard but with time, it changed and I really did love being back and close with my little sister. I won't tell her about Luke, just don't tell her about that, alright?"

"Thank you."


Sebastian lied to Lizzie when he came back after all those years? Gasp...

You don't have to but I'd really appreciate it if you voted. If you already are voting on my chapters, I love you. If you don't vote for my chapters, I still love.

Also, Biden won!


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