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I got an idea for another chapter which means that the epilogue will be chapter 301 instead of 300.


One month later

Feeling the wind rush through my hair was amazing. Standing on the small hill, arms out wide and just feeling the wind was a feeling like no others. Closing my eyes, feeling the wind and listening to the ocean... I felt calm.

Mexico was beautiful and so was the beach we were living by. I had been keeping contact with Simon in the short month we had been here. It was August, school started again in a few days for us but not for another two weeks for the family home in England.

Freddie had graduated Hogwarts and had gotten a job at the Mexican ministry of magic. Over the last couple of days, mum and dad had been preparing the rest of us for school. Not Ronnie of course. She's still too young for school. The four of us who had to continue our education were getting prepared with the rules and everything.

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

They had a housing system just like at Hogwarts.

Four houses.

Horned Serpent.

The school was located in Massachusetts and we were going to be traveling by portkey. The school colours were red, blue and gold.

Something I didn't understand was the housing system. It was different from back home. Back home it was all about our traits as a person. Here it wasn't like that. Well, it was a little like that.

Thunderbird represented the soul and people who seek adventure. Wampus represented the body and people who choose fight instead of flight. Horned Serpents represented the mind and people who care about school the most. Pukwudgie represented the heart and healers.

"Fred! Give me back that book!" Roxanne's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I let my arms drop by my side as I saw Fred run along the beach with Roxanne chasing him. He was holding what looked like her diary.

It was like old times. When Fred would annoy Roxi at home and we'd all hear her screaming in the morning. It was perfect. I had missed this. I would myself shedding a tear as I watched them. I wrapped my arms around myself, smiling as I watched Fred fall face first in the water, followed by Roxanne laughing her butt off, ignoring the fact that her diary was now almost ruined.

"Are you crying?" Bryson asked from behind me before he stepped up next to me. "You're crying! Gross!"

That made me laugh and I turned, my eyes following him as he walked back to the house. We had two birthdays this month. Roxanne turned seventeen on August 7th and Fred turned eighteen on August 19th. Bryson was turning fourteen next month and Ronnie was turning ten on Christmas Eve.

Uncle Fred lived here with us. So did Aunt Deanne and Lexi. Aunt Deanne filed for divorce before we moved here. She was done with having a husband who didn't care so now her and Uncle Fred were trying to get back to where they were before he died back in 1998. Lexi had gotten a job alongside Fred at the ministry and Aunt Deanne took on a job as a tutor for wizarding children who were homeschooled instead of attending Ilvermorny.

Mum was gonna stay home and so were dad and Uncle Fred. The two brothers who now both lived with one ear were going to make products here and sent them through mail until we got back to England and they could open the shop again.

"Lizzie, darling." I heard dad speak when I entered the house through the kitchen door. "I don't know how to feel about this."

"George, she's growing up. She can't stay your little girl forever."

"That, I strongly disagree with." he told her before his eyes landed on me, a wide smile spreading on his lips. "There's a soft drink for you in the fridge."

"Thank you." I said with a small smile. I got the soft drink from the fridge, then joined my parents by the table. "What're you talking about?"

"Your sister." mum sighed. "Fred was reading her diary out loud and she apparently met this boy in the city a few days ago."

"Says she's in love." dad scoffed. "She's seventeen and she doesn't know this guy."

"You know Roxanne." I shrugged. "She only needs a day or two."

Mum and dad looked at me and mum let out a laugh before she got up and walked down the hallway towards her and dads bedroom. Meanwhile dad looked at me through narrowed eyes. "What do you mean she only needs a day or two?"

"That she's probably already had se–" I stopped myself before actually staying the sentence. Dad looked terrified. Absolutely terrified. "...seen the opportunity of a relationship."

Dad chuckled softly and shook his head. "Good safe."

"Dunno what you're talking about." I hurried to say and got up. I brought my soft drink with me upstairs to my bedroom that I shared with Roxanne and Lexi. I didn't mind. It gave me the opportunity to go back to normal life with enjoying life with my sister and my cousin.

I opened my drink and took a sip before I placed it on the desk where I decided to sit. Opening the drawer in it, I pulled out a pen and my songbook. Now was the time for me to retry this. To try and write music again. I hadn't done it in such a long time and I hadn't felt like I wanted to write but maybe if I forced the interest back. If I forced myself to love it again. I needed to love it again because I remember how powerful singing made me feel.

I needed to love it.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now