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"Vivi!" My uncle's voice came from behind as me as I walked down the hallway, trying to get to my common room as fast as possible. I turned around as I stopped walking, seeing Uncle Bash catch up with me. I knew what this was about.

"You didn't show up in class." he told me. "Actually, you haven't been to my class since four lessons ago. What's going on?"

"I'm sorry." I breathed. "I've just been a bit stressed lately."

"That's quite obvious, yes." he nodded. "But what's got you stressed? I've noticed you spend more and more time with Parkinson and less time with Williamson and your siblings. They've always been your best friends. Since you were a little girl."

I looked down. I was scared that if he saw my eyes, he'd know I was lying about what I said next.

"I'm fine." I told him. "Just stressed about school is all."

"You can't be stressed about school if you don't show up in your classes." he told me. "Vivi, if anything is going on, you have to tell me. I want to be able to help."

"Everyone keeps saying that." I muttered. "I don't need any help."

My uncle hummed and I looked back up at him as he studied my expression and body language. "You know, you are exactly like your mother."

"What do you mean?"

"When I came back after all those year being away—" he started explaining. "I learned that she was different which isn't that odd seeing as she was now seventeen instead of nine years old. She had a habit of pushing people away when she was dealing with stuff. Didn't matter if it was the anniversary of our fathers death or me coming back, she pushed her friends away, her boyfriend— your father."

"I'm not pushing anyone away."

"Alright. Then you're pulling yourself away." He shrugged. "It's the same thing, Genevieve. I know what's going on with the Parkinson kid. I know why Sammy started that fight in the Great Hall and I know the rumors, the ones you've denied. I also know that your face didn't get bruised because of a fall."

I laughed.

Uncle Bash frowned, tilting his head a bit to question my behaviour. I guess I was just done. Done with everyone trying to force me to talk when I wasn't ready. I knew they meant well but I was even more scared of telling anyone that I was of Luke.

"Do you need me to talk to your mother?"

"You know what?" I asked and stepped back. "Do what you want. I don't care. Tell her. Tell her what you know. What everyone knows. That I have a boyfriend and that he slapped me, and punched me and..."

I sighed. "It doesn't matter and you know why? Because if she asks me, I'll just deny it. Tell her that I don't know where everyone got that idea from."

I turned around and walked away before he could continue. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to hold my tears back but my uncle didn't stop. He caught up with me once again and stepped in front of me to prevent me from leaving.

"You do realise that boy is going to be the death of you?" he asked. "You need help to handle this, otherwise he'll break you."

"Yeah?" I asked. "It's a bit too late for that. I'm already broken."

"Vivi." he shook his head. "Let me help you. You have no idea how it is watching a spoiled little brat ruin your niece."

"And you don't know what it's like to have your uncle and your brothers, your sister and your fucking best friend try and force something out of you that you aren't ready to talk about!" I yelled, earning glanced from students that walked by. "Just leave me alone."

I tried to walk away again but he grabbed my wrist to stop me and as always, I flinched at the contact, both because of how uncomfortable it made me when others touched me but also because of the pain from my scars. I ripped my arm away from him and he looked at me with the same questioning look as before.

"He's starving you." he told me. "You never eat when you sit with him. If I weren't a teacher and would get fired, I would go beat that little shit up."

He pushed a hand into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar that came from the kitchen. He held it out towards me with a sympathetic look on his face. "Aren't you hungry?"

I am...

"No." I told him and turned away from him to continue towards my common room. I was indeed hungry but I couldn't allow myself to eat if I wanted to lose the extra weight.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now