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How did I feel when I woke up in the hospital? Horrible. All the memories of that terrible night came washing over me immediately and I had broken into tears.

I had covered my face because crying made me insecure but mum and dad both hugged me and assured me that everything was going to be okay and that I was safe.

They did the rape test kit on me. It was awful. Mum had offered to be in the room with me but I said no. It was going to be too awkward and I didn't want her to see me like that, to see all the bruises on my body.

The healer made me disrobe while standing on top of a sheet of butcher paper. She explained that it was in case I had any evidence on me that would fall down when I undressed myself. Basically if he had left anything on me. An item or something.

Then they had to get all my clothes to get examined but luckily mum had gone to get some clothes from my room at home.

The healer had to take sample of blood, sperm, saliva and other things from both my vagina, my mouth, my butt. I can tell you, it was uncomfortable and the whole time I wished for it to be over with.

She also had to scrape under my nails for evidence when I fought back and she had to pluck some of my hair from both my head and my crotch. Then she had to take some kind of photographs inside of my vagina to see the injuries. She used a very small little camera and that was uncomfortable for me as everything else.

She also asked me a lot of things about the state I was in when the rape happened. You know, I had been raped a lot of times by him in the last four months but this was the time in his house on his bathroom floor that we were talking about.

The whole examination took about four hours and once I got dressed in my new clothing, mum was waiting outside with a hug for me.

She led me back to my bed and I happily got under the covers, though I stayed sitting. Dad was still sitting in the chair. He had been looking out of the window above my bed but once we returned, he looked at me.

"Do you need anything?" Mum asked. "Some water maybe?"

I nodded slightly and she offered me a soft smile before she gently rubbed my back and then left the hospital room.

The air was awkward between dad and I. Everything yet not everything had been revealed. They now knew about the abuse and the rape but they didn't know about the details, the things he said, the way he manipulated me. Dad knew I had lied to him and mum. I told them I wanted to stay at Emery's place but instead I was going somewhere they didn't know to visit someone who had been hurting me for months.

I knew he was upset with me but I also knew he didn't want to act on it because I had just been through so much. He was a good dad and I lied to him and brought myself into this mess. It was my fault.

"Dad?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers. Dad raised his chin to look at me and for a moment I thought he hated me but then he smiled softly and sat up straight.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"I didn't want to lie to you." I said, my eyebrows coming together in a frown to keep myself from crying for the hundredth time since I woke up. "And I really didn't want to go stay with him but he—"

"Vivi, you don't have to explain yourself." He said and grabbed my hand. "That can wait until you're ready. Don't pressure yourself."

"But I want to explain myself." I said. "And I want to tell you everything, I've wanted that for such a long time but I'm just scared that you and mum will be disappointed."

"Disappointed?" He asked. "Oh Vivi, your mum and I would never be disappointed in you over something like this. None of the things that happened were your fault."

"He made me think that it was." I said. "Every time he hurt me, he told me it was my own fault. That I should just behave and do what he said if I didn't want to get slapped or punched."

"Christ." He mumbled, running a hand over his mouth for a moment. "Okay. If you want to talk, I'm right here and I'll listen. It's up to you."

I nodded slowly.

"I tried to come up with an excuse when he told me to come visit him during the holidays but he wouldn't accept it. Either I had to visit him, or he would hurt me when we got back to school."

Dad let out a breath as he pulled himself out of the chair and instead sat down on the edge of the bed, still holding my hand.

"I also lied to you about throwing up." I said. "He uh— he started telling me that I'd be perfect if I lost weight and he forced me to throw up after dinner. I don't like throwing up."

"Of course you don't." He said. "And you don't have to do that anymore. He's in Azkaban, he's awaiting trial and with the evidence... he's not going to be a free guy for many many years."

I looked down. "I don't know how to stop. Every time I eat, I think about gaining and every time I've thrown up, I feel so relieved because it's helping me lose weight."

"Can I hug you?" Dad asked. I looked up at him and nodded before he scooted closer and wrapped his arms around me. "We are going to figure it out. Maybe you should see doctor Oakwood and once you get back to school, you can talk to the school psychologist. I promise you, Genevieve Blakely Weasley... you will get better and at one point, you won't feel the urge to throw up when you've eaten."

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