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When Fred started Hogwarts in 2010, he got an owl. He wanted a black one and that's what he got. He wanted a black-banded owl but they are very rare and are not sold on Diagon Alley so he got a snow owl. Her name is digit which I actually just mentioned earlier today.

Roxanne started Hogwarts the next year, though she didn't want an animal. She said they took up too much time and she didn't want to be restrained due to her pet.

Then Sammy and I started Hogwarts. Sammy wanted a rat which he did not get. Dad doesn't trust them after what happened with Scabbers, uncle Percy's rat that got passed down to uncle Ron. Instead, Sammy decided to choose a toad and it is absolutely disgusting. He calls him Gooey.

I on the other hand chose my barn owl and I think we've already discussed what I named her. Three years later, Bryson started Hogwarts just before he turned twelve. You see, he was born on September 16th, just a couple of weeks after the term started so he got his letter but he had to wait a whole year.

He wanted an owl too. His owl is also a barn owl and he is called Norm.

The only one of my siblings who aren't currently at Hogwarts, is Veronica. She turns nine in December so she'll start her first year in three years. She wants a cat. She is very determined on that. Actually, she wants a pink princess cat. She gets angry every time Fred tells her that a pink princess cat doesn't exist and then mum and dad have to tell Fred to shut up and let his sister have her dreams.

"Sammy, something came from Hogwarts." Mum announced. "We wanted to give it to you but you had already gone to sleep when it arrived."

She placed an envelope in front of Sammy and my jaw dropped in shock when I realized what it was.

"No way." I said. "I swear, Sammy. If that's a prefect badge..."

He grinned at me before he ripped open the envelope and out he pulled the badge I just talked about. He looked at it with a proud smile as mum and dad congratulated him.

"Seriously?" I groaned. "I've worked hard all four years so I could be a prefect in fifth unlike you who's been slacking up, not giving two fucks about school work and then because you find it interesting you decide to get your shit together in year four and you get to be prefects? It's not fair."

"Stop being such a sore loser, Vivi." He told me and waved the prefect badge in my face. "I can take house points from you now."

"Oh yeah? We're in the same house... dummy."


"Yeah, oh. Taking points from me would be like taking points from yourself." I said. "I don't get how you got it. I've always wanted to be a prefect. Roxanne's a prefect too so is Fred plus he's also head boy and now you'll be joining that club?"

"Maybe you'll be head girl." Veronica told me as she got off her chair before she ran into the living room.

"Maybe you will." Dad said.

"Yeah, you shouldn't think too much into it." Mum said. "All your uncles made prefect apart from your father and your uncle Fred."

"Why are you bringing that up?" Dad asked as he turned his head to look at mum. "She already knew that. Are you trying to hurt me?"

"George, love. It's been twenty-three years since you found out you weren't going to be a prefect like your brothers. Drop the subject."

"It was unfair! I didn't make head boy either in
ninety-five and I would have been an amazing head boy!"

Mum looked at him for a moment before her eyes flicked to me. "That's where you've got it from. Your love for bickering and complaining about things not being fair."

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