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Eating pizza while writing this. Yum

Also... WARNING: Puke


"And dinner is served." Mum said with a smile as she placed the last of the pizzas on the table, then sat down.

"Fred, since you're new here–" dad started but uncle Fred held up a hand to stop him.

"I was dead for eighteen years. It's not like I'm new to the family."

"You are new to our family." mum said, gesturing towards her six kids that sat around the table. All five of my siblings had already reached for a slice of pizza while I was drinking the pumpkin juice in my glass.

"What I was going to say–" dad continued. "We have a tradition. When they are home, we all take turns to talk about the best part of our day."

"And as usual, the youngest starts." mum said as she gestured for Veronica to start.

"My favourite part of the day." she muttered, mouth full of pizza. Dad held his hand in front of her mouth and shook his head.

"Finish chewing first, darling. We've talked about this."

She finished chewing then chuckled. "Sorry daddy. My favourite part of the day was when Roxi screamed because of that mouse."

Roxanne rolled her eyes as she took another bite of her pizza.

"I don't have a favourite part of the day." Bryson said when the attention got put on him.

"No?" mum asked. "You must have something."

"Well, I did enjoy the quiet time I got to myself." he said. "I finished one of my drawings."

"Oh really?" mum asked with excitement. "Which one?"

"The Hogwarts one." he explained. "I got to draw it, shade it. I think it looks pretty good and I'm considering adding some colour. Now I can with the set Vivi gave me for my birthday."

Now the attention turned to me and I felt small under all the gazes and I still held the glass in my hand, looking down at the orange liquid.

"You gave him a sketch set?" dad asked. "That was generous of you."

I shrugged. "I wanted to do something nice for his thirteenth birthday."

"Vivi, honey. You haven't touched any food." mum said. "Pizza's your favourite."

"I'm not hungry." I said. "I'll just stick to the pumpkin juice."

"You weren't hungry at lunch either." Sammy said. He grabbed a slice of pizza and placed it on my plate. He had chosen the one with pepperoni. That was my favourite kind of pizza.

"I guess I'm a little hungry." I muttered and picked it up, taking a bite, only so they could stop looking at me. Luckily, it worked and they didn't seem so worried anymore.

"Right." Sammy breathed. "I liked the part of the day when I got Gooey a partner."

Oh, yuck. I forgot about that. Sammy went out and bought a female toad to keep Gooey company. This one was named Pepe. My brother glanced at me when I didn't come with some comment about the toads being disgusting. I always did but I just had nothing to say. I ate my slice of pizza in silence and all I could think about was after.

"How about you, Vivi?" dad asked and I shrugged.

"When I set the mouse free."

After dinner, I excused myself and went upstairs to the bathroom that was located between Sammy and Bryson's rooms. Well, currently it was Sammy and Fred's room. Fred had been moved in there so uncle Fred could live in his old bedroom.

I clocked the door behind me and tied my hair into a bun before getting down on my knees in front of the toilet. I pushed two fingers down in my throat and made myself throw up just like Luke and taught me over the past three weeks or so. I continued until I felt like everything I ate had left my stomach.

I hated doing it but sometimes you just have to do things even if you don't like them.

"No one likes chubby girls."

"Vivi!" I heard my brother Fred knock at the door. "Can you hurry up? I need to pee and Veronica is using the one downstairs!"

Veronica always took a million years about peeing. She sat with her favourite book and read half of it so everyone hated when she had to use the bathroom.

I wiped my mouth with some toilet paper and flushed before I got to my feet and brushed my teeth. While I did, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired, exhausted and I couldn't help but smile that I actually had lost weight in those three weeks. I looked thinner. It was going the right way.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now