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"If you kill me, Lizzie..."

"I won't!" Mum responded in annoyance. "But if you keep doubting my skills, then I might do exactly that on purpose!"

Dad who was standing with me and my siblings, glanced towards Shacklebolt and some other people from the ministry. They had to be here and witness the use of dark magic so they'd be able to confirm that the request was true and not just an excuse to use it.

Uncle Fred really did decide that he wanted his ear gone. The same one as dad which made me think what went wrong in his head the day he supposedly died. Don't get me wrong, I love my Uncle but he wants his ear gone so he and dad can be identical again.

"Darling." dad called. "Maybe you shouldn't threaten to kill him when the ministry is watching."

"Shut up, George." mum responded without taking her eyes off of Uncle Fred. "I don't know how I'm supposed to do this."

"Just say the words, flick your wand. It's easy." Uncle Fred told her.

Apparently mum had done this curse before during the war to kill the guy who had sexually assaulted her. He only died because he wasn't attended to. Uncle Harry has used it too on Draco Malfoy but he survived because Severus Snape healed him.

Back then it wasn't dark magic but they realised how dangerous it is so later on they decided to put it on the list. If mum did it wrong, Uncle Fred could die.

Earlier today, Adrian had been caught by some of the aurors. He was currently in Azkaban and that's why we had to do this now. With a piece of his soul dying, he wouldn't be strong enough to escape and he could await his trial. Shacklebolt said that he'd must likely be sentenced to death which meant getting the dementors kiss.

"Just do it, Lizzie!" Uncle Fred called. "Get it over with."

"Shut up!" she yelled. "I need to be completely focused. Otherwise–"


A scream filled the air as Uncle Fred fell back into the grass, clutching his ear as blood poured from the side of his head. Black smoke came from his head and rose into the sky. Freddie whispered and informed me that it was the soul that died.

"George!" mum screamed at dad who had been the one to do the curse when he got too impatient. Grandma and mum rushed over to Uncle Fred along with Aunt Deanne. Grandma was holding a towel and immediately pressed it to his ear before they helped him inside.

"You just couldn't let mum do it, could you?" Roxanne asked. Dad twirled his wand around in his hand as he as a joke laughed in an evil way.

"What?" he then asked when he noticed all six of his kids stare at him. "Well I didn't miss, did I? I just saved my brother and your uncle. I raise you to be thankful so show it."

"What the fuck." Sammy muttered as dad made his way inside, followed by the rest of us. While Uncle Fred was being taken care of, mum and Uncle Harry talked to the minister and the others from the ministry.

Uncle Fred was sitting on the sofa, bleeding violently from his ear while grandma tried to stop it.

"I swear I saw his ear in the grass." I heard Bryson tell Ronnie who let out a shriek while telling him to stop because it was disgusting.

"Kids, go upstairs!" mum shortly glance towards us before going back to helping Uncle Fred drink from the glass of water. He seemed to be in shock over what just happened. Over getting his ear blown off. "Now!"

When mum basically roared at us, the eight of us who were under the age of eighteen, sprinted up the stairs and into the same room. The youngest which were Aubree, Kara and Ronnie got onto the bed and I placed myself next to Sammy against the wall.

"That was awesome!" Bryson explained. "His ear like flew through the air and landed in the grass. Well, it was mostly earlobe and some cartilage but it was just as cool."

"Are you kidding me?" Roxanne asked. "Our Uncle just got his ear blown off. How is that cool?"

"It's super gross." Kara scrunched her nose. "I almost stepped on it."

"On his ear?" Aubree asked. "Ew."

I slid down the wall until I sat with my knees folded. Now we were just waiting to know what was going to happen with Adrian. Once this ended, we could finally move on from everything that happened this last year and maybe mum would finally get better to the point where she didn't need therapy anymore. I certainly did need therapy. Maybe in the new place that we were gonna go to I could get a therapist and we could find happiness again before coming back to Britain.

I wanted that to happen. I couldn't wait for that to happen.


George? You're such a psychopath...

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